Chapter Seven

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   Who was this kid? He looked about fourteen. Though I didn't get a good glimpse, other than seeing that of an intimidating glaring face. I let out a soft sigh, still needing to use the restroom; though it seems it would be occupied for a while.

   I wonder how long it had been since I passed out because of my medicine. I was glad I fell asleep rather than stay awake in my zombie-like state; but now my head hurt and I had no concept of how much time has passed.

   Rubbing my eyes, I yawn loud and slump forward; continuing on my search to find a place to relieve myself. Walking away from the door, I make my way down the somewhat long hallway, making a turn.

   "Oh, Good-morning sleeping beauty." Says a familiar voice from the left, which makes me turn quick and face Ali.

   "Um, hey; good morning..." So I had slept through the entire night. That was good; and bad. It meant this wasn't some sort of fever dream. I move my legs back and forth a bit, "Do you happen to have a—"

   "Bathroom? Yep. To the right."

   "Yeah, thank you." I hurry on past him, opening the nearest door and hurrying inside. I close the door behind me, lock it, and immediately relieve myself. I let out a deep sigh.

   "So, your name is Dulce right? Dulce Kelly."

   I roll my eyes a little and look to the door, "Are we having a conversation through the bathroom door?"


   "Yes, My name is Dulce Kelly. Did Esther tell you my last name?"

   "Nah, I dug through your bag. You had a weird looking said, Passport. What the hell is a passport?"

  "You dug through my what??"

  "You heard me. I saw your little tech stuff too. A weird looking computer and a black tablet without a screen..."

   "Don't look through my stuff." I zip up my pants and go to the sink, looking around it. No soap. "Do you seriously not have any soap?"

   "Why have soap when you can just use sanitizer."

   "I...guess..." I open the cabinet above the sink and pull down a bottle of sanitizer, putting a bunch into the palm of my hand and lathering up.

   "I got into your computer. You really need to up your password difficulty."

   I groan a bit and open the door to the bathroom, standing face to face with the taller brunette.

   "And what'd you see?" Crossing my arms, I cock my brow.

   "I think I saw a poorly drawn picture of that bastard Klave and a wonderfully drawn picture of me. Oh, and the cube."

  "I've only just met you and you're already being nosy as all hell." I walk past him, Ali laughing to me as he follows behind.

   "Hey, at least you're a good artist. I'm shit at drawing. If I could draw, I wouldn't be drawing dicks on the walls of public restrooms."

   "I cant argue with that." Walking back out into the hall, I come to a halt to see that boy again. He stood right in front of me, glaring blankly. He held a towel and a toothbrush, and wore only boxer briefs. "That's the kid who slammed the door on my face." I say, looking to Ali.

   He bursts into laughter, stepping out next to me. "That's Joey. He's a little asshole to people he doesn't know. Aren't ya, little guy." Ali bends down and pinches his cheeks, pulling them apart.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2019 ⏰

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