Chapter four

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It wasn't a surprise to me that Esther wanted to know immediately where this 'rift' was. I told her of course that it was in a storage room near the schools lobby, in which she responds with pure excitement.

"Tomorrow after school, you're definitely showing me."

"I don't even know if it'll be unlocked. Besides, I don't think it's very safe to—"

"—I don't care about safety! This is shit is cool and I'm not giving up so easily on seeing it with my own two eyes."

"I'm surprised you even believe me."

"For one, offended. For two, I know damn well you wouldn't make something like this up to trick me. The proof is in your knocked up face and that weird cube thing." She says, pointing to the object Ali had given me. I nearly forgot about it.

Pulling it from my bag, I lift it up a little. "Oh, this...that Ali boy gave it to me. He said to use it whenever I needed him."

"Do you have any idea what it is?" Esther asks, tilting her head as she grabs it from my hand. "It's small...a bit pokey..."

"Hey don't touch it!" I immediately take it back and toss it into my bag. "I still have no idea what it is and If it's something bad, I wouldn't want you hurt."

"Aw, flattered." Esther teases, looking back to my drawing on my laptop. "So what we know about this world so far is it has slums, drones, everyone is dressed like they're going to a rave, and they despise rich people. That all?"

"I think maybe they're run by a corrupt government of some sort; like in dystopian movies or novels."

"Oh man, like The Hunger Games? I hope there's no children murder domes."

"Me too..." I say, pulling out a notepad from my bag. "I wrote a few things down earlier. About what I gathered from my time being there. Most of it is what you already mentioned." I take hold of a pencil from my nightstand and press it against the paper.

"Another thing I gathered is that when you're outside of the rift, you can hear some of the sounds on the other side. I think I had made contact with someone, I was thinking maybe through radio raves because it sounded like whoever was on the other side, believed they were on a phone call."

"Radio raves...kind of like in ghost hunting shows, with those weird looking devices. They use radio waves and sound waves, the whole shebang."

"That's what I was thinking. Which is why I've come to the conclusion that the rift opens to an alternative universe, our inevitable future."

"Well...shit. I hope it's not the second one." Esther says with a grin, her shoulder pressed against my own. "I think to find that out we'll have to go back again. Don't you think?"
"I don't know...what if the rift is completely gone?"

"If it's gone, we always have that cube thingy your little friend on the other side gave you. We still don't know what it does; so, we could give it a try if all else fails."

"What if it's a bomb..."

"Then we either die or we don't die. Not too bad, right?"

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