Chapter five

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I have never been so scared and felt so vulnerable in my life. Standing in anticipation inside of a cramped closet, inside of a world completely unknown to me; waiting for whatever was on the other side of that door to walk in and find Esther and I.

We didn't exactly have the balls to jump out the five story window, and our only exit back home has vanished before our eyes. We were alone in a place unbeknownst to us, with no way of even having time fathom what situation we really were in.

I kept my hand over Esthers mouth, who's eyes were as wide as mine in complete fear of what was to happen next. The door before us, just fifteen feet from our hiding place, opens at a loud bang of what I could only assume was a gun.

I keep my eyes on the situation, trying to keep my own body in tact. I felt like I was going to pass out; my breaths and heart beat out of control. Though I try my best to contain loud breathing, keeping completely quiet. Esther did the same.

Inside walks four men. All with large weapons that glowed a deep red, three of those men walking behind one in formal attire; who seems the odd one out considering the others had bullet proof vests, white helmets, and white body armor.

"Is he here? Find him." Says the one in the suit, hands behind his back as his face glares around at any and everything he could look at. His command signals the three other men to walk around slowly and quietly, making me even more anxious than before. I back up a bit further with my friend, pressing my back against the closets wall.

It wasn't much distance though. My face still relatively close to the slightly cracked open doors.

"There's someone against what looks like an Inferno, sir. Maybe an android." Says one of the armored individuals.

"What are you waiting for? Turn them around. It could be his doing." The suited one responds, looking over to the dead 'person' I had seen to trigger my flight or fight.
The man pushes the corpse over, just enough to see its face. When I saw it again, I nearly puked.

There wasn't any blood or guts, no. But just seeing an empty face on a wired up lifeless body irks me. Its face was completely gone, just a hallow shell. No eyes, mouth, or nose; not even a bone structure. It was...empty. Emptier than anything I had ever seen.

"It's an android, sir. A Phobos model. Its face is completely gone and so is its chip, sir."
The man in the suit seems annoyed by this, walking over to the body and grabbing it by the hair, only to slam it back down onto the desk.
"He was here; and we were too slow. I hate playing hide and seek with mutts who need to understand their place."

Who was this he was talking about? Was this person dangerous or special? I honestly didn't want to find out.

"Let's go. We'll have to start all fucking over and get new leads. Take the android and place him inside of the back of our car...Phobos models should have a hidden memory card in the back of their necks, unless he took that too."

At the nod of his three men, they exit the room. The suited one stopping at the door frame. He turns his head and stares to the closet we were hid away in. It was like he knew we were there. His dark eyes penetrating my own like a bullet.

Though as he seems to be about to walk over in our direction, he is called by someone. His head turning to the hallway, he finally exits the room.

Esther and I wait about five more minutes before we leave the closet, not really into the idea of getting taken into custody or worse.
Finally, I let go of both our mouths and push my hand against the closet door, opening it.
"...That was close..." I whisper, rubbing my face to calm down. "We need to get t-the hell out of here. Go somewhere with people."

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