I. Prologue

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Rihan had been staring at the sliding door for a while now. He just stood there like a rock. He was thinking how his wife, Wakana, is doing inside, laboring for their child.

Will she be okay? So this is what it feels like to have a child? To finally be a father? I’m excited but I’m worried for my wife too. Will Wakana be okay? We hadn’t have gotten her checked on a hospital. Humans could be a little trouble sometimes. If they could find something weird about our children they could experiment it or do something them humans usually do. I don’t want my son or daughter to experience something like that.

“Relax. Wakana will be fine.” Nurarihyon had decided to talk to his worried son. The other yokais was whispering to each other whether who will be the one to ask the second if he is okay.

Rihan hadn’t noticed he was standing there rigidly and fiddling at his sword out of nervousness, shutting everyone out.

“I’m not nervous, Pops.” Rihan replied stubbornly and looked back at the door.

“Don’t have to be so stubborn about it when it’s so obvious. Even the others know you’re nervous. Loosen up!” Nurarihyon had slapped his son’s back.

Rihan looked around and the others laughed a little. He sagged a little and rubbed the back of his neck. “Okay okay. I give up. I’m really nervous right now.”

When he said that, everyone laughed again and cheered him on that he needs to calm down and loosen up like what Nurarihyon said. But the laughter soon stopped when the sliding door slammed open and revealed Satsura who wiped a sweat on her forehead. She scanned the crowd for a certain someone. It landed on Rihan who was looking at her expectedly. Satsura is the one who helped Wakana deliver the baby.

“You have twins.” She stated. It left all of them speechless. They haven’t expected that. Everyone erupted into cheers and hugged each other when the news had sunk on their heads.

Rihan, for the second time, hadn’t realized he had frozen at his place again after he heard that. Not until, Nurarihyon had pushed him forward and he stumbled on his feet.

“Go on. Look at my grandchildren and check on your wife.” The first head urged his son towards the room.

Rihan gulped and composed himself then walked casually inside the room. He saw his wife sleeping. There were babies at each side of her wrapped in a blue and pink cloth. Rihan felt a warm feeling running inside him as he looked at his family, sleeping peacefully. He leaned forward and kissed Wakana on the lips.

Wakana opened her eyes little by little, focusing on her husband who was smirking at her.

“Oops. Did I wake you?” He asked.  

"No, Dear." She smiled back and noticed their children around her. "We have twins."

"What name do you want to give them?"

"Hm..I don't know. Rikuo?"

"For the boy?" Rihan asked and she nodded.

"Nura Rikuo.. huh.." He said and looked at their baby boy.

"What about the girl?" She asked.

"Rika? So their name rhyme each other."

"I think that is a great idea."

"Nura Rikuo and Nura Rika. The third heads of the Nura clan."

"I think they will follow their father's footsteps and be great leaders." Wakana laughed.

"Don't flatter me, Wakana." Rihan told her and pinched Wakana’s nose.

"Well I don't. It's true--"


Wakana didn't have the chance to finish what she was saying because the others crowded inside the room to look at their child.

"Ohhh. What a handsome and beautiful grandchildren I have. They inherited my looks."

"Don't flatter yourself, Pops. I am the father so they inherited my looks."

"What's their name, Second?"

Rihan smiled and looked at the crowd. "Listen up. This is my and Wakana's children. They are Rikuo and Rika. The both of them are going to be the third head and my successor of the clan. I hope you'll treat them well."

Cheers from the crowd erupted. They were really happy about their precious children.

I can leave them to the clan if anything happens. I’m sure they will always be there for each other and run the clan smoothly.

Rihan thought, watching the clan together with his new family members.

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