{S1} Chapter V - "Late Night Shift"

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Jake's POV

The next day, we headed to the ORC because Rias asked us to be there, and also mentioned Issei took quite the beating from a stray exorcist. We headed over, and Max got to work on him, finishing rather quickly.

Max: "...and you should be set. There ya go: A picture of health."

Issei: "Thanks."

Rias: "You need to relax, at least until you get your full strength back. The light power that stray exorcist used on you was strong, you're lucky we showed up when we did."

Issei: "A stray exorcist? I'm not even sure I know what that term means."

Zeph: "Same here."

Kiba: "A bunch of them got the boot from the church. And from a lack of options, a ton of them became servants for Fallen Angels."

Zephyr: "Nothing we couldn't handle."

Issei: "Wait, you can't be saying Asia is in the same camp as that Freed dick?!"

Sorry to ruin your day, but yeah.

Rias: "We're not saying anything than other you're a devil, and for whatever reason, she's the servant of a fallen one. Those are the facts, Issei."

Zeph: "I know it's hard, but you'll have to accept it."

Rias: "By the way, where's Allister?"

Me: "At the moment, working. Private detective."

Rias: "Is that a front?"

Me: "You guessed it."


I somehow found Issei in the park, attempting to do disappointing pull-ups.

Issei: "I may be weak right now, but I won't be after I pump some iron and get jacked!"

He tried miserably to do a pull-up, and failed.

Me: "You okay there, champ?"

Issei: "Jake? What are you doing here?"

Me: "Helping."

I helped him back up, and we heard a soft voice behind us.

???: "Issei, it's you!"

We turned around to see a blonde girl with green eyes, wearing church robes.

Issei: "Asia?"

So this is the girl they were talking about...

Meanwhile, Allister's POV

Me: "Yeah... My usual pizza. Classic Pepperoni and Cheese... Nothing else. Rush it... What? My tab? Ah, don't sweat the small stuff. Soon, I'll pay you for everything I owe ya. Be sure to make it a large. Don't forget."

I tossed the phone back on the holder.

Morrison: "Are you listening to me, Allister?"

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