{S3 Finale} Chapter VI - "Let Them Fight"

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Allister's POV

I headed out the door, walking out to the end of the airfield. I got in the old fighter jet, laying down, relaxing, the scent of marijuana and rust filling my nose.

???: "Back here again?"

I looked over to see Sam leaning in from the side.

Me: "Yeah. Just relaxing."

Sam: "Can I?"

Me: "I don't mind."

She climbed in, and laid on top of me, adorably snuggling up to me.

Sam: "I'm worried."

Me: "About what?"

Sam: "Tonight."

Me: "You have nothing to worry about."

Sam: "I have everything to worry about. I don't wanna lose you."

Me: "What are you saying?"

Sam: "I'm coming with you."

Me: "What? Sam, I-"

Sam: "I'm coming with you, and you're not saying no."

Me: "But why?"

Sam: "I won't lose you. Never again. You mean too much to me."

Me: "Okay. You can come with. JUST YOU."

Sam: "Good. I love you~."

Me: *Sigh* "I love you too, baby."

We remained there for the morning, then got our stuff ready.

Xenovia: "Be careful."

Akeno: "Make sure you come back safe."

Me: "I will. I promise."

Akagi: "Good, or I'd have to chop you into pieces.~"

Sam(Nervous): "Is she normally like that?"

Me: "Unfortunately, yes."

We bid our farewells, and headed to Hell.

Me: "Man... This takes me back."

Sam: "Good or bad?"

Me: "Bit of both. Let's go."

We arrived at the ancient fortress, and walked in.

???: "You showed up."

Me: "Damien."

The monster on the throne stood up, and I gave a deathly glare into his black and red eyes.

The monster on the throne stood up, and I gave a deathly glare into his black and red eyes

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Damien: "Sam."

Sam: "Damien."

Damien: "Are you finally ready to settle this?"

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