Chapter 5

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"So they just had big ass piles of this shit?" Dave says after handing the bong over to me. " yeah oh check this out" I pull out the gun i snagged from the guy. " yo that's a gold plated 50. Caliber  Desert Eagle, holy shit!" Dave is practically drooling over the gun. i eject the clip, make sure there's no round in it and toss it to him. "while your having a gungasm I'm going to figure out what our next move is, and please don't drool on the gun." i go to the computer and transfer the photos i took.i need to figure out which warehouse has the kids. "fuck" i mutter to myself. i pull up a warehouse on google maps and zoom out a bit. its only 20 minutes from a popular park. I'm so stupid how did i miss that, while i was in the weed and coke house the girls were at this one. Dave comes up behind me. "so which warehouse do you think this is?" he asks. i respond "its the one with the kids in it,has to be." "well its 5:30 am if you don't want to be seen your gonna have to wait. imma go grab some food, relax and plan out your attack, you might not be so lucky on getting in this time." i look at Dave. " when the hell did you start thinking like that?" i ask him. as he walks out the door he says "well maybe you started to rub off on me" he says with a chuckle.

"hey dipshit wake up" i feel someone shaking me. "wake up its 8 pm" i bolt up. when did i fall asleep, fuck it was the weed. "well look who's finally up, i drove past that warehouse today, they have camera's, you thinking what I'm thinking?" he says with a smile. it takes a minute for the gears in my head to turn. "we can hack into them and i can have you guiding me throughout the place to the kids!" i say excitedly. "oh and here its a prepaid phone in my name and here's a ear piece" he says as he tosses me a bag. "now get going we're burning moonlight"

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