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Today, I woke up with a big smile on my face.

The sun was shining, birds were chirping, and a very handsome man was in my apartment who fucked my brains out last night. Life was good.

The meeting was in thirty minutes, so I quickly showered, got dressed in my uniform and grabbed a bagel to eat. I was parking at the restaurant with five minutes to spare. I would say I had skip to my step but that would've been an understatement. A limp was more like it. 

Candace pulled up to the restaurant in her blue Honda Accord. Our moods were night and day. She wore shades and her curls were all over the place. She groaned when she walked over to me with a pout, rubbing her head. 

"Hey Jas, my head is killing me. You had fun at the club last night?"

"Hey Can! I left the club last night with somebody."

"Ooooh, who's the lucky fella?"

"A fine ass man I served yesterday. He gave me the best orgasm I ever had." I sighed dreamily from the memory and walked inside rubbing my back. "Ass is sore."

"Damn you got it good. I had a lil night stand but nothing like amazing," She sighed, taking a few Advil pills, and walked inside behind me as we went to our coworkers in the middle of the restaurant. 

"It was amazing but he didn't leave a number or anything. Like how can he know I wouldn't want more?" I laughed.

I couldn't help but brag a little. That night was mighty fun and it was so fresh in my memory making me want even more than ever. It was a shame how addicted I was becoming. Maybe I can get a clay mold of the guy's dick and use it. I mean they have those things right? 

Okay, now I was talking crazy. 

Mr. Kruz walked into the room and smiled big. I grabbed a bottle of water from the bar and sipped it while he made his big announcement of who the owner was.

"Okay everyone, gather around! I have a special treat for you."

I stood next to Candace marveling at the night before. The man's hands, his mouth, his tongue, his filthy words, and the feel of him consumed my thoughts. He was so considerate of me yet rough when he claimed my body. I wonder if he goes to the club on a regular basis. Would he come back to the restaurant again to see me? 

He screamed wealth but certainly I was good for him as he was great for me. He did say that the sex was amazing. Then again, he was amazing. I wonder why he wouldn't let me kiss him and why he was so demanding during the sex. It turned me on so much but still, I couldn't help but be curious. It was the first time I ever had sex like that before. 

"You're all going to meet the owner. To give a brief overview of him, he owns seven restaurants across the United States, this being his seventh with a few abroad, eight night clubs, a wine house, and three international consulting companies. He's valued over a billion dollars and has graciously allowed me to manage this beautiful restaurant in Chicago. Last night was his first appearance in the restaurant while it was running and I'm sure you are all excited to meet him. Everyone, please give a warm welcome to Mr. Piers Winters."

I took a bigger sip and waited while the owner walked out from the kitchen. I choked on the water as my eyes widened and quickly covered my mouth to cough before choking to death.

Son of a cheese motherfucking biscuit!

The man walked to the staff in a three piece grey suit that did wonders for his eyes. He smiled at Mr. Kruz and stood next to him. I quickly ducked behind Candace moving a couple other waiters in front of her who was drooling over the owner.

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