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The next morning, my body was deliciously sore. 

Every part of me ached from last night's events. I didn't think I would like it this much but I really did. It was a bit much but I'll grow into it. I already wanted another round. Stretching my tight muscles, I looked around the room. There weren't any windows, so I couldn't tell what time or day it was. 

Oh shit.

I jumped out of the bed and ran to my phone in my jean's pocket to check the time. It was nine in the morning and I panicked.

"Shit, I'm late for work!"

Hurrying to get dressed, I walked out of the room to see Piers in the kitchen dressed in a black striped three piece suit, sipping his coffee while reading the newspaper. Looking handsome as always.

"Morning and bye." I said in a rush, walking towards the door but tripped over my socks. I stood up and put my shoes on before heading for the door again, trying not to feel embarrassed.

"I called your employer and he'll be expecting you at noon. No need to rush." Piers said casually.

I stopped abruptly in my tracks then turned to look at him. He called my employer and specifically said 'Jasper will be late today'? What the hell?

"What do you mean you called him?"

He sipped his coffee and turned his head to read the other side of the paper. 

"I said I met with you before Mr. Kruz and I had our meeting. I wanted to talk to you about a business opportunity at one of my other restaurants and we had meeting that ran late this morning. You can rest assured and can go back to work later today at noon."

"Oh. Well okay." That sounded.. like a real situation. I took off my shoes and sat on the couch, looking around the room. I didn't want to leave if I didn't have to. Plus, it would be rude if he went to the trouble to let me go to work later if I just left.

"I take it you're staying here then," He set the newspaper down and grabbed a tray of breakfast food from the oven and brought it to me. "You're more than welcome to stay here but I have to fly out today. I'll see you tomorrow night."

"Oh, I'll be going home to get ready for work and stuff but okay." I took the tray and started to eat. "Thank you."

He nodded then sat down next to me. 

"Very well," He leaned over towards me and my breath hitched as he ran his fingers through my hair. I slowed my eating to watch him curiously as he ran his eyes over my body. "How are you feeling, darling? Any doubts?"

"I'm sore but a good sore. No, no doubts yet."

"Good. Your driver will take you back home whenever you're ready."


Piers placed a feathered kiss on my forehead then stood, leaving the penthouse. The penthouse was silent instead of my thoughts. He always seemed to give me some type of affection, whether it was a kiss on the forehead or a caress. I can never understand why he did that. Why he always wanted to touch me but not fully touch me. As if he was denying himself the simple pleasure of being affectionate or reassuring me that I'm not a hit-it-and-quit-it. He could doing it as being polite.  

I always thought it was odd since we were so close yet he never engaged himself. I wanted to pry and ask why that was but he was very stern that touching and kissing him were hard limits. I didn't want to bother or annoy him already during our early stage of this arrangement, so I'll let it be. It still bothered me and it probably wouldn't stop until I combusted him with questions that would, no doubt, piss him off.

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