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The next day was excruciating.

Throughout the day at work, I was hard as stone. Before I left my apartment, I had to ice my dick off so it would soften then think of gross thoughts like my grandma showering and guys with big ass hairy moles on their faces. Oh, it went dark. 

I tried my best to not touch myself. The sad part was, it wasn't because of Piers's challenge but the mere thought of him punishing me if I did touch myself. I wanted him badly and for him to spank me, manhandle me, or even fuck me into oblivion for disobeying his orders was such a turn on. Sometimes, my thoughts didn't even go to sex but just him. His expensive suits, well mannered accent, charming smile, and crystal blue eyes. Piers Winters just being Piers was hot. His sarcastic personality, that was either very obvious or confusing, filled my thoughts as well as his commands. 

He was really something special. Thank God it's Friday. I don't have to be embarrassed from thinking about him at home, especially on the weekends. Except, my sister was coming over Saturday and I didn't want to think of him then because having a hard-on with my niece and sister here was straight up sad.

On my way back from work, I walked back inside my apartment when my phone rang. I opened the door once I grabbed my phone and saw it was my mother calling. A perfect way to kill a boner. 

I stared at my phone while it rang and contemplated on answering. I really didn't want to but knowing my sister said mom and dad were sorry about how they treated me drove me to answer anyway.

"Yes." I answered scornfully.

"Hi sweetheart, how are you?"

The simple nickname was a tremendous difference when Piers called me that. When he said it, it sounded endearing and sweet. From my mother, it was an effort to get back on my good graces that I didn't find very affectionate but irritated. 

"I'm good, how are you?"

"I'm well," She paused for a moment. "Have you heard from your father?"

"No, I haven't heard from any of you in over a year."

There was a small sniff and sigh on her line. I can't possibly know how she's feeling but I do know I should've been the one crying. Too bad I ran out of tears. 

"I'm sorry. I... I was going through some things. Your father and I haven't been seeing eye to eye during that time and we were constantly fighting. I needed a break from all of it and when you made that announcement, it was just too much for me to take. I would love to see you."

Announcement? I couldn't believe it. She called my coming out an 'announcement' as if I admitted I got an F in math. I couldn't think of what to do or say at the moment. She apologized, which was more than my own father would ever do. Although her words still pained me, I knew I couldn't keep her away for long. If I wanted to rebuild my family, I'd have to start somewhere. 

"Uh, um well, Jas is coming this weekend to see me. You can come with her."

"Perfect, I'll see you kids then. I love you Jasper. You're my baby and I never wanted to hurt you."

I swallowed hard, her words too much to take in.

"Okay, see you this weekend."

"Bye sweetie."

She hung up the phone and I just stared at it. Numb to the pain she and my dad once caused. I didn't want to feel anything right now and was thankful the driver would be here in a few hours to take me to Piers. I needed the distraction like I needed to breathe. Overall, this weekend will be a big blast from the past. 

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