Chapter 1

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Hey^^I'm not dead, as you might think, but I'm getting busy again TT. I also waited so long to upload this because I waited to plot out the story a little bit more. I've seen people say that their mental state is more important than writing, but I also deeply care for you guys and for writing more for you. I hope you can forgive me being gone so long.

   This chapter is what is changing because they didn't really meet during their school years. Hope you like it! Also, if you're being affected by the hurricane, my prayers are going to you!(I'm being affected only a little bit)

   I haven't reread this yet all the way through, so it may have some mistakes, I'll fix them as soon as I can.

Fun Fact-the unicorn is the national animal of Scotland


   "Dude, the head hazer is a sadist!" Newwiee complained to Kong as they hung out after school. He and M had just got done with their SOTUS meeting for the day and Kong invited them to get some milkshakes at a restaurant by the school. Kong was surprised when his childhood friends showed up drenched in sweat. "He has to get off on being so mean to us like that!" Kong chuckled as New took an aggravated sip of his strawberry flavored drink.

   "He really is crazy." M agreed, pushing his sweaty bangs out of his face. Kong sipped his vanilla milkshake as he looked at his friends in amusement; their stories about Engineering brightened up his boring days of lots of work and not much else. Since the first day of school, they complained and complained about this SOTUS and their seniors being mean to them, while Kong was surrounded by mostly boring people — not that he didn't like his fellow classmates, but they aren't known for their party attitudes.

   Kong would listen and give them input on what they should do. Newwiee was the one who usually went through with what Kong, like standing up to the hazers and then had to run around the track, which made him feel less inclined to do things like that. But then because he stood up to the hazers, they made friends with the faculty's bad boy, Wad, who stood against the hazers too.

   "Well, at least you've already found some cute eye candy." New said with a whine and pout to M, who blushed. Newwiee's pout turned into an evil grin as his elder brother gave him a glare.

   "New!" M said in a warning tone. Kong quirked an eyebrow at the twins.

   "Eye candy?" He asked. M looked around shyly and scratched the back of his neck. Instead of answering, he just chews on his straw, having already finished his chocolate milkshake. Newwiee butt in because he knew his elder brother would never talk.

   "Her name is May. She's cute to be honest, they met because the hazers forced them to do a weird dance for signatures." New said, mentioned one of the crazy things the hazers made them do. M raised a hand to hit the back of New's head, but he easily dodged the other with a laugh. "What? Kong won't steal her away." New looked at Kong. "He's afraid that she'll see you and fall for yo-ahhHhh!" M finally made contact with the back of New's head. Kong chuckles at their antics again, waiting for an explanation.

   "I didn't think he would do it on purpose...but know.." He stops as he gestures along up and down, making Kong laugh harder. M blushed. "Stop laughing at me!" Kong punched himself to make sure he stopped laughing, although it still took a minute.

   "I'm sorry M, you're just so..cute. Don't worry, I won't talk to May and mess things up, and if I do happen to meet her, then I'll just say I'm taken so she doesn't even bother." M seemed to become less tense at this.

   "Thanks dude." M says and Kong nods as he took another long sip of his drink, trying his hardest to get it all out of the bottom of the cup. This milkshake was one of the only sweets he indulged on, this and his coffees — which are more bitter than sweet. "Anyway, let's stop talking about us, what about you? How's Economics?"

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