Chapter 2

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Not dead, but superrrrrrr busy-_- I'm trying my hardest but some of these things are so tasking:/ but writing this is a little escape so I may have got a little carried away...let me know if it's too much happening in one chapter, sorry guys. Anyway, love you all, kisses, comment your fav character so far in the story and why^^didn't revise, hope it's okay, byee

Fun Fact: Author is tired


    Kong taps his foot nervously as he rides the sleek elevator up to his new internship. Although he had been here many times before as a son coming to see his dad, now he's here as an — kind of — employee. He let himself be nervous in the elevator so that when he was greeting his new seniors he could be his usual charismatic self.

   As the elevator climbed closer to the floor he needed to be on, his heart skipped a beat. Just stay calm, you're a natural. He thought to himself, almost arrogantly. Hey, it's his way to give himself confidence, who's to judge. The elevator dinged and the doors opened a moment afterward. Kong stepped out to face his new life.

   ..His new life was a little crazy at the moment. Kong stepped out of the elevator to barely miss getting run over by a lady with a mile high stack of papers. He was quick on his feet to not get smushed right back into the elevator with a bunch of tired eyes workers. It was a miracle that he made it to the right desk with only being stepped on a couple of times.

   Kong dropped his box of stuff on his desk with a thump. He sighed in relief and in effort before pulling out his chair and sitting down. Kong cracked his fingers in the way they do in the movies before getting his computer out of his bag and setting it carefully on his desk. This computer was his prized possession, something he bought himself, and it was expensive for someone who wasn't a college student so he saved up a lot. He didn't open it up yet, knowing that he needed to see the head of the Sales department.

   Kong made to put everything on his desk and straighten up before heading to the Sales Head's office. He knocked on the door softly three times. Kong wanted patiently for the door to open, pressing as close to the door as he could as people rushed around. Why is it so busy? Kong thought. He'd been here many times, and it was never this busy. Kong's thoughts abruptly stopped when the door suddenly opened, revealing a tall, handsome man.

   "Kong!" The guy said, a smile growing on his face. "It's been too long!" It became quiet around them, Kong looking around to see that people were watching them, surprised at the Heads reaction. Kongpob turned back to the Head and smiles nervously, feeling a little awkward at the attention that was now on him. "Come in!" He said to Kong, pulling him into the office. The door closed and the quiet held for a few more seconds before the office started working again.

   "How is it going Kong?" Kong sat down as the guy went behind his desk, sitting down and giving Kong another wide smile.

   "I'm doing pretty good, P'Max." Kong said to the senior, feeling a little calmer now that there wasn't a million eyes on him. Max nodded and looked at his computer, typing quickly and clicking a lot more times then Kong thought was needed.

   Max was like an older brother to Kongpob, always seeming to be around. Max is a couple of years older than he is, but always said hi to him, not embarrassed to be associated with the kid. He had always lived down the street and would look after Kong, New, M, along with his brother their age, Frame. With Max's hard work and charisma, it was expected for him to get a job at the company. A few years ago, Max got kicked out of his house for being gay. All that Kong heard was that Max had fallen for another guy his age who had a girlfriend. When Max found out about himself, he told his parents, thinking he would get some support and sympathy for his unrequited love.

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