Chapter 3

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Hellooooo^^this little *every 2 weeks* updates might be the norm for a while:( sorry if you don't like it, I'm just too busy to get it done faster. I also have not reread this to check for errors, sorry if there are any mistakes. Let me know what you think in the comments, I'd love to hear what you have to say.

Fun Fact: Pringles Aren't Actually Potato Chips, but are dehydrated potato flakes pressed into their signature parabolic shape.


   "Your new boss." Okay, so it was an understatement to say that Kong was confused. He already knew that Arthit was to be his new senior, but the way that his dad said "boss" mad Kongpob suspicious. The dad noticed his sons confusion and decided to clarify some more. "What I mean to say it that you will only take orders from him; you are his personal assistant."

   Personal assistant...? Kong felt his heart drop. That means that this guy, past head hazer that tortured his juniors and yelled at Kong for a situation that was totally an accident, had full power over Kong? Not looking too good for Kong.

   "Sir, I know that it's a little busy around here, but I'm sure everything will turn out fine - and Sales still needs an intern." Arthit seemed to slightly argue. Kongpob could tell he didn't want to anger his boss, but he didn't want to make any trouble for him either.

   "Nonsense." Kong's dad has already thought ahead. "I made sure that they got a new intern. This is also not just about the mistake an employee made, but for my son." At this, Kong's dad gives Kongpob another pat on the shoulder. "He's going to be taking over this company someday, but he took Economics and not Engineering in school. Not that I'm trying to shame you son, but you need some Engineering training to run this company to your fullest ability."

   Kong didn't know what to say; he couldn't just say no, but he had heard of Arthit's severity towards his juniors. He sighed, knowing he had to submit to his father's request; besides, this guy is eye candy for Kong...even if he's harsh, he's attractive. Plus, anything's better than Darli. Kong's sigh told his dad that he got what he wanted without a fuss. The older man smiled before continuing to speak.

    "Don't worry, P'Arthit here is one of my best workers, you'll learn a lot from him." He turned to Arthit with a smile. "Watch over him and show him the ranks, he's a rascal sometimes." The dad nodded at his own words before taking a step back. "I have to get back to business, but I hope the best for the two of you today." And with that, Kong's dad was heading back towards the elevator.

   Kongpob and Arthit watched him leave before looking at each other, Arthit's gaze shy and embarrassed while Kong's was polite. They waied to each other, Arthit looking extremely awkward.

   "I, uh...I'm sorry about yesterday." Arthit finally said, scratching the back of his neck. Adorable. Kong thought. Maybe this guy isn't as tough as he seems. Kongpob gives him the flirty smile he uses on the girls and guys at the bar.

   "Don't worry about it; no harm no foul." Kong steps closer and Arthit takes a step back warily.

   "What?"Arthit asked, nearly stuttering. Kong found it endearing. He felt like he should continue to flirt with the guy, but he didn't want to go too far. Instead, Kong shook his head as he smiled politely to the elder.

   "Nothing P', I hope we can get along well like my dad said." Arthit nodded, seeming to give a relieved sigh that Kong didn't do anything. It was confusing to Kong how such a guy like him got so flustered easily.

   "Well, uh..I think there's a new desk outside my office for you, although you won't be there too often with the mess going on now." Arthit collected himself and turned more businesslike. "Go and get your things situated before coming back for work to do." Kong nodded and left, but not without giving the elder another flirty smile.

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