Chapter 5

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Hey^^been a while, hasn't it? Been writing this chapter for a long time but I've been sooo busy! There is hopefully a good thing happening in my life(not sure yet), so I'm working hard on achieving that. I hope you all enjoy this chapter, didn't like it at first but it grew on my and I have an idea of what next(I know what I want and where to go, but sometimes as I write I change it - I know my end goal though)

Fun Fact: This is a late Valentines Day gift to all of you^^Hope you had a good Valentines Day or, like me, Singles Awareness Day

"P'...I don't w-want to bother you." Dream Kong said to the person who laid down behind him. He was on a bed and night had already fallen, Kong knowing because the room was swathed in darkness. He had his back to the person with tears running down his cheeks. Kong's heart was stuck in his throat, making it hard to swallow. As hard as he tried, his voice broke as soon as he spoke to the air in front of him.

The mysterious person scooted forward and wrapped their arms around Kong, giving him a tight embrace. Kong unintentionally let out a broken sob before breaking down completely. He shook as he tried to stop the sobs that rolled out, just like the tears on his face.

" never bother me." The warm person hugging him said. Kong shook his head, bringing a shaky hand to wipe his tears from his cheeks.

"No...y-you feel like you h-have to say that now that I'm crying." The person was already denying the claim before Kong could finish his sentence.

"No no no..Kong, it's not like that...I'm sorry. Kong I...I'm horrible person, I've hurt you way too many times to count...why do you stay with me? How can you love someone like me? I..I knew that it was going to hurt you when I denied your affection but I still did it..I...I left you alone because I was scared and I'm selfish and I shouldn't have done that..I'm such a horrible person-God!!"

The person now started crying into Kong's back as they held on for dear life. Kong didn't respond; he didn't express that while a horrible person, they were very...inconsiderate tonight. Dream Kong remembered how he brought the other out for a date at a bar, thinking it would be fun. But the other got embarrassed at the tipsy PDA Kong was showing and the glances they were getting from girls and guys sitting near them. The lover snapped when Kong tried to get them to dance, pushing him away and going to the bathroom. Kong felt his heart ripped from him and left immediately, texting an apology to the other. He had laid here for an hour before the other finally showed up. They apologized but, for the first time ever, Kong wasn't accepting it.

Kong wiped the tears rolling down his cheeks again, breathing in deeply. He cleared his throat to make sure his voice wouldn't break as he started speaking again.

"I'm too much P', I ask too much of you when I should know my place...I don't have the right to want your love and attention in public..." Kong took another breath, trying not to sound bitter at this but he experienced too many times before. "I should go, I..I'm clouding your judgement in deciding if you still want me." Kong tried to pry the hands from around his waist off but to no avail. "P.'" Kong said in a strained voice. Since the other didn't relent, Kong decided to ask a question that was bugging him. "What took so long to come back? Were you..were you with someone else?" He choked out.

"No...Please don't leave Kong..I'm really sorry I...I know I was wrong but I panicked. I..I love you Kong. I love you so much." The other cried as he held on. "Please don't leave me..I'm nothing without you. You're all I think about when you're not with me, I can't sleep without you, you've affected me so much that you don't even know...I...I want to bring you home to my parents and I imagine a future with you.."

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