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"Either u ask him or I will" jungkook has been trying to make his brother see sense
"Who put bugs in your cereal today ??" Hobi asked sarcastically.
"Hyung ! You gotta say something to him, from the days I came home, I can see he is hardly home and have you seen yourself in the mirror lately ? You look like a freaking zombie with those dark circles"
"Jungkook stop he is just busy that's all"
"Hyung stop trying to come up with excuses for him will you ? BUSY ? Really that's all he's got like he is busy all the goddamn time ?"
"Well yeah he is gotta do things it's kind of crazy in the music area you won't understand"
"Okey ! Let's just for your sake , let's say he is busy and I agree but , he is showing no interest at all in the wedding he is taking you for granted that's what I am saying"
"Just let him be he is like that"
"Like what hyung he forgets your anniversary !, your birthday even are we not going to talk about how dejected you felt how disappointed, how sad you were ? I could hear your crying from my room hyung !"
"Okey what DO YOU WANT ME TO DO ABOUT IT HUH ? Jungkook ? WHAT EXACTLY DO U WANT ME TO SAY ?" to say Jungkook was shocked would say a lot of things but he was expecting it so he just stood there and took all what his hyung wanted to say.
"Talk to him HYUNG!"
"And then what ? He Is going to leave because that's what he is like jungook he doesn't like confrontations"
"So you are saying you will still say silent even if you found out he is actually cheating on you ? "What ? "Hobi was dumbfounded
"Dont pretend like you didn't think about it too hyung !" Jungkook could tell hobi was angry he knew it the moment his brother's hands were on his collar, hobi s face red with the anger he was holding inside
"Say that again" hobi said in a threatening manner
"Oh hey guys the door was open sooo WOA" both hobi and jungkook was shocked when they found Jin at the entrance with a bright face and handful of folders and a camera
"Listen JEON JUNGKOOK U KNOW NOTHING ABOUT HIM NOTHING ! OkEy and why the hell do u even care ? Huh ? You wouldn't even be here if it wasn't for your precious Jimin telling you to go and help me !
You are selfish and I know it so can u just let us be , if you can't GET THE HELL OUT ! I don't freaking care get it ? Hobi said giving jungkook a shove
"Uh guys "? Jin said from the hallway but he was ignored by the brothers who were glaring at each other
"Fine" Jungkook said to hobi who took his car keys and passed by Jin without a word
Jungkook heard the car Roaring and then leaving in the distance
"F***" jungkook screamed ! And went inside
"Uh what are you doing"  jin said as he saw jungkook taking his things from the cupboard and shoving  it in a bag.
"You had to say it like that huh ?" Jin asked again after not getting an answer from jungkook who was clenching and unclenching his fists
"Jin not now"
"Then tell me what are you doing"
"I am leaving !! Clearly I am not needed here " Jungkook said without looking at jins face ?
"Are u serious you were here you heard everything!" Jungkook said looking at Jin
"Yeah I heard brothers  having a fight so ?"
"He doesn't want me here OK ! Jungkook said in a sad but angry tone
"Definitely ! nobody wants you to be here if you are having an attitude" Jin said folding his hands
"Get out !"Jungkook said finally snapping  at jin
"Alright !" Jin said raising his hands in surrender.
"Running away can never solve your problems you know !" Jin said before closing the door.

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