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"Seokjinaaaah there is some one to see you
Jin heard taehyung calling out from the hallway
Seokjinaaah ? that  little brat ! Jin thought and shook his head with a smile
"Who is it" ..... he stopped  as soon as he saw who was leaning against  the door with a bored expression.
"Oh man It's too early for this" Jin said out loud
"What are you doing here ? I though you were leaving" he said leaving the cup of coffee on the table.
Jungkook took jins coffee from the table
"Hey that's mine"  Jin said in a defensive manner
"Stop being a little kid make another"  Jin saw from his periferal vision taehyung dissapearing into his room.
"I can't believe the nerve of you ? Aren't  you too tired to be rude this morning?
"Why are you even here?"
"Where is namjoon ?"
"He is in daegu! If I remember correctly your brothers wedding is approaching soon we need to check the vendors there for our stuff"
"Hmm ! So you still believe this wedding is going to happen?"
"And you don't ?" Jin asked with a serious expression.
"I don't know"
"Ya well your brother is not the first one to face difficulties with his fiancé but at some point if they are meant to be then it will happen"
"What if it wasn't meant to be ?"
"Look do you want this to happen or not ?
"Ofcourse I do ! Wth"
"Doesn't sound like it to me !" Jungkook just shrugged
"I mean hobi hyung loves  Yoongi hyung but I don't know I love him okey !! I don't want him to be sad!" Jungkook said looking at the cofffee instead of Jin
"And I am pretty sure yoongi does too, and hey it's okey to be worried for him"
"I want your help"  Jungkook said not looking at Jin again
Jin sighed "If you want my help in spying on yoongi so that you know he is not cheating hell to the NO Jungkook"
"How did you know i was going to ask you that"
"Cause you are plain stupid and I am a genius and I knew that will be the first thing you will think I figured you watch too much dramas"
"Hey ! I am serious!!
"Hi serious I am jin " !! Jin said looking as if he can burst out laughing any minute.
Jungkook just looked shook his mouth open
"Did you just" he started but Jin cut him off
"Dude they have been dating for 8 years if yoongi had an intention of cheating he would have done it years ago why now ?"
"Makes sense but what if he decided to do it now ?"
"You know what I think ?"
"Not that it matters but What ?"
"You should probably leave them alone"
"What !! right okey fine don't help me I shouldn't have come here in the first place"
"Jungkook listen calm down for a second jeeez you get angry so easily !"
"What ! I don't get angry easily" jungook said clenching his hands to which Jin just raised his eyebrows
"Okey I do but"
"Shhh I think you should let them deal with it because it will be the best if they  handle the situation themselves rather a third person"
"Wooow! No wonder why I thought I should speak to someone who is old, Thanks Jin I can feel the positive vibes already"
"You are welcome" Wait did you just  ! Call me old ?"
"Haha see you later dumbass" Jungkook waived
"Hyung ! When are you starting to fall for him ? Taehyung asked Jin all of a sudden  coming out of his room
"What! " Jin chocked on the water he was drinking
"It's always like this a well mannered guy falls in love with the jerk so I am asking when is it this time"
Yah !! What have I told you about not voicing your crazy imaginations out loud huh ? I hate him ! Definitely not my type
"Oh wait That's what he  said" taehyung said in a serious look to jin
"You !" Jin screamed "you come here,  u brat I had enough of you for today"
Taehyung bolted to his room before sticking out his tongue at him, leaving a dumbfounded Jin behind

I couldn't help the " hi 👋 am serious joke" 🤣🏃‍♀️

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