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"Hyung ! Jin Hyung"!!
"Tae over  here"  Taehyung saw his brother behind stage talking with the sound team but what caught his attention was how down he  looked it's like he haven't slept at all
"Waaaah hyung ! You look like shit, don't tell me you didn't sleep at all last night?
"Woow no and I have to hear this early in the morning ! Don't tell me you came here to tell me that ! " Jin said massaging his temples
"Uh don't be sad hyung , you are always handsome ....."
"Tae ... get to business mode right now !!"Jin said in a I am not in the mood look
"uh sorry , I came here to tell you hobi hyung is loosing it , he has been yelling the minute he woke up I think only you can handle it"
"Waaaah , why does his wedding have so much drama than any other wedding we have ever done" Jin took a deep breath
"Hyung ...." okey something was definitely up tae thought
"Ok Alright i will handle it , you take care of things here and don't yell through the mike and scare the guests like last time got it tae" ?
"Hyung that was one time and I was not yelling it's called checking the sound waaa like seriously"taehyung continued to rant
"Whatever Bro call me if u need something here got it !
"Got it bro!
"Aaaaa I can't with you right now for the nth time seriously hyung !!
"Don't seriously hyung me  , U have you seen your face ? Ohmy god ! I mean all seemed fine yesterday , where the hell did you go and get punched"
"Okey ! Time out boys ! Hobi calm down we know you are tensed but honey it's your day you need to enjoy it than freak out about it"
"Mom it's not that i am just genienly worried about him like look how reckless he is ! what would he do without us" hobi said looking at his mother with worry
"I am not a little kid"
"I know I don't know who hit him but he will hear from me ,I mean even me and your father haven't hit you amd I don't understand why you took the hit did you do something wrong"
Talk about right timing jin walked in at the moment and the first person he noticed was jungkook who was standing with his hands in his pockets clearly feeling irritated the next thing he noticed was the big dark spot by jungkooks jaw and he immediately felt guilty not in the world did he think he was that strong , he regretted it seconds after he punched Jungkook and from the looks of it must have hurt a ton
"Jinieeeeoh thank god!  Finally someone sane have you talked to Yoongi yet ? Why in the name of god is his phone switched off !"and what about the guests are they here yet , what about my suit" hobi was cut off by Jin.
"Hobi .. calm down everything will be perfect okey don't worry and namjoon is with yoongi he probably forgot to charge his phone or something everything will be fine okey relax !!" Jin could see Jungkook looking at him and he couldn't help but feel a little conscious about it , he could get in trouble if they found out he was the one who actually punched Jungkook
"No it won't be look, at this idiot he  went and got into a fight do you known what happened?"
"What" Yup this is where he comes out as a bad person
"Uhhh hobi actually I...."
"How would he know hyung and for the love of god can we discuss this any other time let's focus on your wedding"
"How can I focus aaaa what if it is an omen what if god is showing me signs that everything will go wrong , what if the suit doesn't match what if the cake have chicken feet in it what if Yoongi actually runs away because he can't handle the pressure, oh my god what if he really does ? Then I will be left alone in the altar oh my god I am going to die alone...
hobi said after minutes of silence should I cancel the wedding he seemed to be in another world as he was rambling and it seemed like he finally realised there were people watching him he looked at Jin jungoo and his mom all of them were looking at him as if he had gone crazy ! And then then his tears started falling
"Oh my god !" Jungkook said suddently looking at his mom
"Alright Jin I want you do me a favour take Jungkook with you and ask the stylist to do something about it ! Leave hobi to me I got this" Mrs Jeon said in a full on mom mode
"You sure !"
"He is just having a mental breakdown it's a little too late for that but anyway I can handle it go fix your face apparently that's gonna fix everything else" Jungkook s mom gave a reassuring smile
Jin looked st Jungkooks face as they were walking to meet the stylist the bruise looks purplish red  and there was a slight cut in his lips and Jin felt guilty but what worried jin was , how Jungkook looked his eyes were pitch dark like it was dead inside he didn't have the usual gleam in it and jin couldn't take it anymore so
"Listen ..." after a full 10 minute of silence Jin said
"Don't bother ....."
"What !" Jin said seeing Jungkook walk away
"I can manage it you don't have to help besides you said everything you had to say with the punch right ?"
"I didn't mean to ......"
"Ofcourse you did what do you mean you didn't "
"Aaaaarg u are so annoying you never listen to anything I have to say i can't stand you"
"Ya well you won't have to deal with me after today so that's a relief right ?"  Jungkook said with fake happiness
That's when Jin realised yes he won't see him after today and that it is over "Why do you look like it's the end of the word it's jut another wedding for you right ? another some random stranger or just like a summer crush" Jungkook said suddently and the guilt Jin felt a little while ago vanished into thin air he should have hit him more hard hmm the other side of his face looked tempting then there won't be a problem in fixing it after all , but jin decided to retaliate because he had enough
"Ya you are  right it should have been like that from the beginning but there is hobi Yoongi and your parents it felt like you were part  of our family  on top of it  I had to fall in love with you,  a douche  who was  desperate to get his love back and honestly it was fine because that was not the first time I had fallen for a guy who I couldn't have, I was coping somehow, counting days even, then you had to come and ruin everything when you said u had feelings for me too which is bulshit ! crush ! I think you are the one who is having that" Jin was out of breath as he said all that and Jungkook looked more angry his face red his eyes darker than ever
"You do not know what I am going through right now !" OKEY !!! SO why don't we follow what u said don't pretend to know each other anymore have fun with JAY buy the way you guys look perfect for each other" Jungkook said and began walking away
"I can't believe you seriously ! How can u say that like I am doing something wrong when clearly u are the one who is wrong you have a boyfriend who you love and then you come and confesss your so called feelings to me ! Woow Jungkook what does that make you? A double timer?!"
"What did you just say Jungkook grabbed the front of jins shirt and glared at him "well let me tell you something Listen well because I won't repeat myself again ! I thought I loved jimin yes I did for half of my life I believed he was my man, but that is until you crash landed with your stupid attitude and arrogance at first I didnt like you one bit but then when we started spending time together I realised that wow you are such a great guy and honestly I only thought of you as a friend but then you confessed your feelings for me that time and it is not until later when you started to hang out with jaybum that I realised wow I miss you and maybe I love you too, It doesn't matter anymore you have moved on with someone else and I don't want to ruin it" he said in a sad voice letting go of a wide eyed jin  and just so you know I never thought of you as a replacement , you deserve everything good jin
Jungkook closed his eyes and took  a deep breath and said "I want to say this just so you know and I love you and it is not some stupid crush!"
Jin couldn't move everything was happening all of a sudden and he had the rest of the day left jungkook was looking at him with such intensity that Jin didn't know what to do they were standing too close and jin thought he was imagining things when jungkook closed his eyes and was leaning in , their foreheads touching  they would have kissed but the
"Jin I was looking for you everywhere" jaebum said coming from the corridor but Jin couldn't hear anything he just saw the way Jungkook   moved away how he just gave him a sad smile and said
"Bye jin......."
Hi !!!
Believe it or not I forgot my Wattpad password hence the late update!!
Sorry for the angst marathon !! But that's how it's going to be
Next up will be the wedding!!

And special shout out to @heatherholland356 yo bro I love you too you made my day 😍😍

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