Insanity 🔥

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It has been a few weeks since we came back. There was a girl that was sitting alone on the floor and she was crouched down. She was murmuring something. I don't know what it was. She looked like she was terrified of something. I walked over there to see what was wrong... Wait, is she the one I saw that lisanna was bullying the other day? I walked over to her but when I got to where there was only just about four feet between us. She just vanished. Without a trace. I didn't know where she was. Where could she have gone- I was thinking but this girl cut my thoughts off when she appears behind me with a dagger to my neck.
" Don't you know it's bad to sneak up on people? " She asked in a cold tone. But there was a small track of fear. What was she afraid of. Was it me? No it couldn't be. Because if she was afraid of me she wouldn't be doing this. " I wasn't sneaking up on you " I said. She pushed the dagger into my throat, but not in a vital area. " Okay, well what were you gonna ask me? " She asked. A bit of blood leaked from my skin. She pulled the dagger away and stood in front of me.

Insanity|Short Nalu (AU)Where stories live. Discover now