Me 🔑

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I can't believe that they actually protected me. Wow. I'm gonna tell them today. I met them in the courtyard. " Hi, I need to tell you guys something " I said. " What is it? " Erza asked. " It's something that you guys can't say to anyone else at all, alright? " I asked. They nodded. " Okay follow me " I said. I brought them to my house. " Um... Just ignore all that blood, it's my father's men, initiation is going in right now so if you gear a scream or something just don't pay any attention to it " I said. They nodded. We went to my room. They saw that picture of my family. But my mom's face was ripped out. By me clearly. " So, I'll tell you why I killed my mom when I was younger " I said. They all look at me. Not a single eye lingered on anything but me. " So my father always forced me to kill people, animals, basically everything. And one day he manipulated me into kill my mom. And all because she said something that he didn't like... "


" Jude!! You need to stop this! Your forcing her to do things! Things a child should never have to do! " Layla yelled. She had no right to day that. After all these years. Lucy was 10 now. And she had been in this situation for 5 years already. So why now? Layla slapped him and walked away. " Your a monster Jude! " She yelled. Jude was furious. He grabbed Lucy by her arm. Lucy struggled. " No! Mommy is right! Why did you make me do this?! " Lucy yelled. " If your mommy cares about you why did she wait till now to say this? " He asked. Lucy had a look of shock and realization on her face.


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