Showed 🙋

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Lucy has been hanging out with natsu and his friends for about 2 months now and they became friends. Lucy opened up to them. But she still didn't tell them that secret of her mother's death. The kids at school know that she killed her. But they don't know why. They only know that it was Lucy who did it and that her father just up and left after it happened. The full story will be revealed to her friends. But as soon as they pass her test for them. If they fail she won't tell them. If they pass she wouldn't give it a second thought. She knew that lisanna would get jealous that she was spending time with Natsu and not her. She knows lisanna. And she knows that she will use whatever is necessary to get what she wants. She saw lisanna coming their way. Lucy just sighed lowly. She let's lisanna push her down on the floor and kick her. She was expecting for them to either One watch without helping, Two walk away like nothing happened, Three laugh at her along with lisanna, or Four join in on this bullying session and kick her around. But on the contrary. They actually helped her. Lucy smiled a little. She was happy that someone finally didn't want to bully her.

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