Was 🙋

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" She said. 'Lucy I hate you, I hate you and your father' then she died. I didn't cry over her body. I walked away. My father was smiling. I didn't know why he was smiling. I didn't know why he was so happy. " Lucy said. " He was happy. He told me so. He was so very happy with what I had done. So proud of his little baby girl killing the person that 'held us back the most' and the person that 'always ruined the fun'. My father hated my mother. He hated her with a fiery passion. He told me that I had done my job. Completed my ultimate goal. But it wasn't. It wasn't my ultimate goal. No. It was his. All along he planned to use his own daughter to kill his wife. To rid them of the only person that could ever love two monsters. Two murderers. I was angry... " She started.

" Lucy no! Stop-- "

" So I shot him dead to, I thought that I would finally rid myself of my pain. That all my problems would disappear after this. But I was wrong. Once the news spread at school that I killed my own parents. I became the victim of their bullying. I was their target " Lucy said with a clenched fist.

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