Prolougue (2/2)

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Y/N is still 5 and this is set directly after the events of the previous chapter.

"U-um... it's y-y/n... uh y/n l/n, sorry...!" I stuttered out.
"Hey its alright don't be sorry. Are you hurt?" The hobo lookin man said. I let out a strangled sob.
"I-I'm fine. t-the blood... It's not... um. It's n-not m-mine..." I said gasping for air in between cries. The mans eyes widen a fraction before going back to normal. What did he say his name was? Eraserface? Eraserhead? Yeah that's it.
"It's alright. Are others hurt?" Eraser said concern lacing his tone. I open my mouth to respond, but only a sob comes out. I try again.
"M-m-my f-fri-ends..." I manage to choke out.
"Where are they? Are they okay?" He asks.
"Uh... (kindergarten) I tt-hink." he took out his phone and made two quick calls. One to other heroes, and one to the police. He picked me up and told me he would be taking me to the hospital to check for injuries.
"After I'll take you back to the police station. They might have a few questions to ask. Is that alright?" He asked. "N-NO!" I pushed myself out of his grasp and landed with a thud. I winced when my elbow hit the ground. I got up as quickly as I could and started to run.
"Jesus Christ I hate children." Eraser said under his breath. I ran but I of course couldn't outrun him. He was a grown man who trained to be a hero. I, on the other hand was just a smol bean who hadn't eaten since breakfast. (Little nightmares be like) I felt his arms grab me from behind and I screamed as loudly as a could. I started kicking my legs and throwing my arms around in hopes of getting out.
"Kid, Stop I'm trying to help you." The scruffy ass man said monotonously annoyance lacing his voice. I calmed down enough to stop flailing like those flapping tube dudes you see outside mattress stores, but I was still shaking and my breath was ragged. "Christ..." he said under his breath. I complied letting out sobs and shaky breaths into the shoulder of his sweatshirt(?). well. Actually, I complied until I saw another hero running up to us. I was fine with this tired guy. He was pretty quiet and didn't flip out. That was pretty plus ultra of him I suppose. I heard footsteps coming towards us at a quick pace.
I flinched. I instantly turned my head and saw an oversized cockatiel running towards us. He stopped once he was in front of us and started gushing about how cute it was that the greasy, angsty guy was holding a child.
"AWE ERASER! WHO KNEW YOU HAD A SOFT SPOT FOR CHILDR-" he shut up when he noticed the blood and black goo all over my face and clothes.
"Oh... what happened...?" The weird leather guy asked almost hesitantly.
"I don't know" eraser stated. "And even if I did, it could have been traumatic to her and I wouldn't have answered you regardless."
The moustache man gave a quick nod of understanding and quickened his pace to Match aizawas. "Wait!" Blondie said, his eyes doing an anime sparkle. "Can I hold her?!" He asked. "Mic. This is serious. No you cannot hold her" he said walking faster yet again. I glanced behind the boi carrying me to meet the emerald (yes we going anime not manga) eyes of the loud guy who was apparently named mic. He offered a huge grin and an eccentric wave. I let out a small giggle. I wiped my tears and snot on his shoulder. just then another swarm of police cars drove by. i was thrashing and screaming, begging him to let me go, when something crazy happened. My tears turned to the black stuff again and smoke surrounded me, warping me somewhere Before eraserhead could erase my quirk. It took me a second to realize where i was. i was in my room and i ran downstairs to look for my parents but they weren't there. i was frantically looking for them like some kind of deranged frog. it took a second for me calm down but after a minute i though of my parents and what they would do. my parents always told me that it was important to think using logic rather than emotion. logically, i should clean up. i hopped into the bath tub and started turning on the taps. (don't really wanna write a bath scene for a 5 yr old so we going after she got dressed. just like,,,imagine and outfit 5 yr old u or ur oc wouldve worn)

my parents still weren't home, so i decided to run out and look for them. while i was running, i saw the fucking cockatiel. i swiftly turned a corner and prayed to god he didn't see me. i was about to just pass through the alleyway, when some janky ass dude approached me. he was like,,,pasty but kinda crusty??? maybe a preteen, poofy black hair, red eyes cliche villain thing.

"hey." he rasped out. i didn't respond, only stopped and looked up at him.
"i know who you are." he continued. panic set in, and it was visible on my face. "you're the one who killed all those other kids." i paled at his words.

"y-you don't know me! i didn't do that, ok!?" he just continued to laugh.

"sure. whatever you say. i'll see you again when you could be more useful to my father." he said before turning and walking away. that dude was weird as shit ngl.

i kept walking for a bit until i ended up back at my house. 'h u h' my dumbass 5 yr old brain thought. i opened the door to see my parents tallying to a few police officers while they cried. they must've heard the door open, because in an instant they turned around to the door and instantly wrapped me in a suffocating hug. the police dudes figured i hadnt been there during the 'incident', but they knew they had to tell me what happened.

they broke the news to me and my face fell. i had known this had happened but i still didn't quite understand it. had i done it?

"oh. i'll see them again though, right?" i asked with a hopeful gleam in my eye, but i knew deep down that i wouldn't.

•regret• izuku midoriya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now