chapter four- exam results

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sksksksk sorry for the long wait!!!
y/n pov

after my run in with izuku, i went home and noticed there was something in the mailbox.  'entrance exam results?' i thought to myself. i grabbed it out of the mailbox and climbed my porch steps. the key slid into the lock and i turned it, and swung open the door. my parents were on a business trip *cough cough* love hotel *cough* so i would be alone. for the next day.

"god, are they having sex like, 40 times?! who needs a room for that long!" i said to nobody in particular. i plopped down on the couch and tore open the envelope. a disc fell out?

pretty sure it's prerecorded but for the sake of this it ain't.

"da fuq is this shit?" suddenly, a hologram of all might appeared.

"ah! young l/n y/n!" he said in his nasty ass deep voice.

"oh. eheheh... ew." all might coughed at that.

"anyway, with average scores in the written exam and high scores in the physical exam, you've made it into the hero course class 1-A!" i smirked.


"though you showed a lack of empathy and teamwork causing your support points to end up as 2, you took down enough robots to come up with 75 points in total! that's second place out of anyone in the exam."

"damn. could've gotten first but i suppose the worst things always happen to the best people." i say with a shrug.

"er... right. well, your uniform should have come with the package, classes start on monday at 7 am! i look forward to seeing you there, young l/n! and remember, go beyond...-"

"yeah, yeah plus ultra. woo... shut the fuck up. bye."

"did she jus-" some camera guy started before i smacked the hologram to the side, breaking it. i sighed and hopped in my dads car. sure, i didn't have my license, but when has something stupid like the law stopped me? i drove over to hosu city, listening to favourite/band on loop. i pulled into a parking lot around a block away from the LoV hideout. i strutted the fucking runway into the bar.

"hey tomura."

"since when are we on first name basis, psychra? it's boss to you." he snarled.

"right. anyway, shiggy. i got my 'letter' from UA." shiggy let out a hum and asked if i had gotten in. "of fucking course i got in! 1-A bitches!"

"good. this little rat mission is going good for you, hmm?"

"i guess you could say that." i said with a shrug. boss sighed.

"what did you do?"

"well... i kinda told all might to shut the fuck up?"

"you WHAT?!" kurogiri chimed in next. "l/n, this could blow your cover. that was an... unwise decision."

"yeah, yeah. wasn't that bad. i've met all might before this. i'd be surprised if he wasn't expecting this. i'll just say i'm more of an endeavour person or something." i reply nonchalantly. tomura let out a sigh.

"just don't go doing something this stupid again, got that?"

"eh, yeah sure. anyway i'm in the mood to go hero hunting, y'all with me?" i ask.

"you can do that yourself, psychra." shiggy responds.

"kay." i exit the bar and walk down towards the vehicle. i hop into my dads car and start the engine. i pull out of the driveway and start going down some backroads. i pull into a random alley and park my car. i take a moment and think.

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