chapter five- just cause you say im crazy!

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'...when at keyless estate, unbridged painkiller...' my breaths quickened with the speed of bright lights passing by. i reached out my hand, only to be met with the icy glass of the terminal window. '...when at keyless estate, unbridged painkiller...' my fists were pounding at the glass desperately trying to get it to crack. hundreds of hands came crawling towards the glass from the outside in. they clawed up until they were at the top of the train station '...paralyzed ladies elude against somebodies empire...' the faces of almost everyone i've ever met board a train. old friends, new friends, family, that one guy i saw fall in front of the 7/11, you name it.
'...paralyzed ladies elude against somebodies empire.
when at keyless estate, unbridged painkiller...' my eyes met my own reflection in the foggy glass. it wouldn't be long until the oxygen runs out. i could feel my eyes becoming half lidded as my hyperventilation became wheezing.
'When At Keyless Estate,
Unbridged Painkiller...'
'Paralyzed Ladies Elude Against Somebodies Empire...'


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