chapter six- loco

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sorry for the wait hhhh i was more focused on my kaminari book (which recently hit 4k aaaaa) that i 4got to update this one!!! i had to rewrite the first little bit because i changed y/ns quirk, but we're back on track and hopefully everything will get figured out. enjoy!

y/n pov
i was walked to the training ground by present mic. it was hella awkward because i don't think he wanted to bring anything up in case he was wrong, but i had known what happened back then. it was silent for most of the walk, aside from some small talk here and there.

"hey eraserrrr!" present mic announced.

"were in the middle of an assessment test. what's so important that it couldn't wait." aizawa responded, clearly annoyed. mic made a gesture towards me.

"caught this one tryna skip class! figures your class didn't go to orientation, haha!" yamada informed. aizawas brows furrowed.

"trying to skip on the first day? seriously?" he glared at me for a few moments. as tempted as i was to shut him up because OH MY GOD ITS NOT A BIGGIE BUT GO OFF IG i couldnt. i knew it was important for me to stay at this school. i let out a deep breath.

"sorry." i said dryly.

"that's all? i will expel you." i just stared at him. i didn't wanna do this, especially when i could be putting my precious zuzus life at risk.

"i'd rather you didn't do that. SUPER uncool of you, man." i sassed. i'm glad present mic interjected because i really didn't need the LoV coming for my ass when i inevitably got kicked out.

"she's not gonna do that again though, right?" he looked at me expectantly and when i nodded he continued. "there's no need to be so harsh, eraser!"

"fine. stay for the assessment test and i'll see if it's worth keeping you here or not." he said, deactivating his quirk.  i just shrugged and got in line.

"since you felt that your classes werent important, why don't you show everybody why you even applied?"

i let out a sigh and grabbed a ball. "do i jus like, iono, throw it? seems not super hard." i looked over for confirmation, but got nothing in return. i just kinda went with it. i pulled aizawas shadow over towards me and willed the black shit not to fall from my eyes. i couldn't let myself be found out yet. even if there was no proof that i did anything to my classmates back then, running covered in whats essentially acid, blood, and dirt don't look great for my record.

i solidified his shadow around the ball and launched it as far as i could.

"701 metres." he stated. people stared in amazement.

"mm. i'm sure someone has done better... should've done better." i mutter and move back into the group of other students. i felt a hand on my shoulder, but when i looked nothing was there. i let out a noise of confusion.

"hey that was really cool, you know!" a cheery voice rang out. i swiftly spun around.

"oh. an invisibility related quirk? interesting." i say while completely ignoring what she said. i study her form for a few more seconds before speaking again.

"wait so like if you dye your hair will it show? how long is your hair? how do you cut something you can't see? how do you cut your nails?" you didn't need to see her expression to tell she was getting overwhelmed by all of my questions.

"oh... i've actually never tried to dye my hair before! do you think it would work?"
she asks.

"im not sure but i have some experience with dying hair, if you want to try it sometime i could always help out." i offer.

"you would?! really!?" she exclaims. i hum a yes. a few moments of silence pass between us until another question pops into my head.

"hey..." i start. she acknowledges my words with a little hum. "forgive me if this sounds creepy, but what does it look like when you bleed?" she doesn't respond for a moment and i can't tell what she's thinking because of her nonexistent expression. "what i mean is as a hero you're bound to get hurt, no doubt about it. so is your blood invisible too? does it just look like it comes out of nowhere?"

"i-i'm not sure... your scaring me though!" she whines. i chuckle.

"ahaha! sorry... umm. i just realized i don't even know your name."

"oh! it's toru hagakure!" she says, and even though you may not be able to see her face, you can tell she's smiling.

"ah, hagakure. the ultimate clairvoyant." i mutter under my breath.
"well i'm y/-"

"y/n l/n. come do the 50 metre race. you're going against minoru mineta. please actually take this seriously."
i let out a groan.

"hehehehe hey there. i'm mineta." a purple headed fuck creepily grins.

"where's that voice coming from?" i question while looking around at eye level. i hear some snickers and giggles coming from other students.

"hey rudeeee! i'm right here!!!" the same whiny voice calls out.

"oh so not only do you look like a fucking grape, you're the size of one too." i say, beginning to get fed up with this bitch already.

"3... 2... 1... GO!" a robotic voice yells out.

i use my shadow warp ability to get to the other side quickly.

the same robot thingy narrates again.
"1.002 seconds..." there's a little pause. "8.06 seconds."

"bro you gotta be shitting on my dick right now." i exclaim in frustration. the blond kid from earlier was laughing along with mr. ravenette janky elbows.

"lanuage." aizawa-sense drones.

"bitch please!" i complain. "i could've done that way faster, don't even @ me rn." i cross my arms and skulk back to the class.

"perhaps you missed it while you were ditching, but the point of this was to see where you're at and where you need to improve." he says while trying to intimidate me with his quirk.

"oh ok then it don't matter? aight then who gives a fucketty fuck." i chill. out of the corner of my eye i spot midoriya.

"hey man!" i greet him.

"o-o-oh hey l/n- i mean uh y-y/n..."

the rest of the rest goes on pretty plainly. i score just above average in almost every test. except repeated side steps. those are of the devil. once the scoreboard popped up i see my name in 7th. not completely ass but it might be safer to stay right there and not draw any unnecessary attention. now something else i missed during my little interaction with present mic, was that whoever was in last would get expelled. i just kinda stood there while everyone was freaking out.

"by the way, the expulsion was a logical ruse. nobody is going home." aizawa explains.

"it should've been obvious from the start." some big titty smartass speaks up.

"well i was seriously considering expelling l/n, so not entirely." he snarls.

"oh suck my di-!" a hand muffles my mouth before i finish. i was about to beat a bitch down when a hear a rough, yet angelic voice speak up.

"bad idea." a purple haired girl says.

"whatever, airpodn't."

"what did you just call me?"

word count: 1246

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2020 ⏰

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