Chapter 5 First Child

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Jackie's POV: it had been a year since I miscarried the baby it was now 1881 and things were going steady Chavez was the best husband I could've ever asked for he was patient and made sure that I was doing alright I started getting sick in the mornings and that's when I realized that I was in fact pregnant again I couldn't wait to tell Chavez I decided to tell him during dinner it was 6:00 o'clock I started to prepare dinner Chavez wasn't going to be home for another hour so I knew that by the time he got home dinner would be ready after I made dinner I set it on the table I took my apron off and hung it up in it's usual place Chavez walked into the house of course our dog Ivey greeted him as she always did I smiled at him and he returned it he walked over towards me and we kissed

Hi honey I said

Hi he replied kissing me again

Dinner's ready I said

Okay I'm going to go wash up and then I'll join you he replied

Okay but don't take too long I told him

I won't it's your that takes too long he joked

After a few minutes Chavez came back and we sat down at the table and started eating our dinner

Has everything been going okay with you and Ivey? He asked

Yeah I guess so everything's been going pretty smoothly I answered

Well that's good he said

Chavez I have something I want to tell you I said

Chavez looked at me worriedly his eyes were lit up with fear he got up and walked towards me he got down on one knee and took my hands he knew something was up but he didn't know what it was fortunately I gave him a reassurance look I even smiled which made him confused

Amor what is it that you're trying to tell me? he asked

Chavez I'm pregnant again I said

He had a shocked but excited expression on his face he picked me up and hugged me gently we kissed he was so excited about me being pregnant

Are you absolutely sure that you're pregnant? He asked making sure that I was accurate 

Yes I'm positive I had the same symptoms as the first pregnancy I said

That's great but you're gonna have to take it easy for awhile Chavez said knowing that I should take it easy and he was right I took it easy

Time skipped 8 months later:
Jackie's POV: I was sleeping in bed with Chavez by my side when suddenly I felt something wet and that's when I realized that my water broke I was going into labor a month early I wasn't expecting the baby to be born until February but there's was nothing I could do to stop it I was going to give birth I rolled over to try and wake Chavez up

"Chavez? Chavez wake up I said shaking him gently awake

Chavez's eyes opened and looked at me worriedly he sat up as so did I he lit a candle to make it bright in our bedroom

What is it amor? Chavez asked after lighting our bedroom with a candle

I think it's time the baby's coming I said

And Chavez realized that I was not joking it was January 28,1882 and I was going to give birth to our first child Chavez jumped up out of bed got dressed I remained in bed the pain was unbearable but I knew that I had to tolerate it until the midwife got here Chavez went and got Mrs Lincoln she was the midwife he didn't want to leave me there alone but I told him to go ahead and that I wasn't supposed to move it only took Chavez fifteen minutes to go and get Mrs Lincoln once Mrs Lincoln got there was when I started pushing Chavez stayed outside the bedroom anxiously waiting for news of me and the baby it took an hour before I finally heard the cry of our baby

It's a girl Mrs Lincoln said

Mrs Lincoln got our Chloe all cleaned up she wrapped our daughter in a little white baby blanket Chloe even had a white baby cap on her head it took awhile before she calmed down once she calmed down Mrs Lincoln went got Chavez and told him that we had a daughter Chavez walked into our bedroom and sat down beside us Chloe looked so adorable she looked a lot like Chavez she has his eyes his skin color she even had hair and her hair was the same hair color as his Chavez looked at her then back at me he had a smile on his face I looked at him with the same smile then we kissed

Look at her she's so cute Chavez said

She looks just like you probably a female version of you I joked

Well I don't know about that Chavez chuckled in response

I looked at him and he looked at me we both chuckled and smiled we were finally proud parents of a happy healthy baby girl but little did we realize that it was going to be a couple of exhausting months but it was well worth it

Okay here's chapter 5 I hope you guys enjoy this and thank you Jackie for being a great friend and suggesting this story this is for you I hope you like it chapter 6 will be when Chavez and Jackie try and to get used to having a baby in the house so I'll try and get that out as soon as possible I'm not sure yet but it will be soon thank you guys for being so supportive and reading my stories I can't wait to see what you all think about it thanks again guys bye now

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