Chapter 10 Having Three Beautiful Children In The House

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Jackie's POV: it had been two weeks since Christopher was born Chavez was busy taking care of him and the girls while I remained in bed I was glad that I'm married to him and not Caleb everything was going fine Chavez and the kids would occasionally check on me every now and then we were able to afford to send the girls to school so when they came home is when they would check on me while the girls were away at school Chavez would bring Christopher into our bedroom to see me

There's mom look Chris look Chavez said setting him down in my arms

Hi sweetheart oh my goodness I said holding him in my arms

As Christopher sat in my lap He started rubbing his eyes and nose Chavez noticed something as so was I Christopher was also fussing a little bit

Chavez what's the matter with Christopher? I asked examining him trying to figure out what was wrong with our son

I don't know when I woke him up from his nap he was a little crabby Chavez said

Feel him Chavez he's awfully hot I said feeling Christopher's forehead Chavez felt his forehead and had a worried expression written on his face he went and got the thermometer he stuck the thermometer in Christopher's mouth after a bit Chavez pulled it out and read it

Oh no he said

"What? "what's wrong with him? I asked trying not to sound frantic

He's got a fever Jackie I go get Mrs Lincoln Chavez answered

Soon Mrs Lincoln came and examined Christopher she told us that he was sick with scarlet fever but she reassured us that if we make sure that his fever stays low that he'll be alright we thanked Mrs Lincoln for coming over and examining Christopher after Mrs Lincoln left the girls came home we let them know that Christopher was very ill and that they have to keep it down while he's sleeping

Chavez's POV: I began to grow very worried about my son's health and Jackie's health as well I tried everything to calm Chris down I would pick him up out of his crib gently bounce him rock and sing him to sleep but nothing worked I didn't want Jackie or the girls to get sick so I stayed up all night trying to comfort my son I felt so bad for him he was screaming and crying his face was flushed red his throat was so sore that it hurt when he swallowed I tried everything I could possibly think of even some of the stuff that my mother did with me when I was his age but again nothing worked until finally about midnight he finally dozed off I laid him back down in his crib and went to bed I was tired as hell when I walked in Jackie woke up

Is he getting any better? She asked

Barley he just fell asleep just now I said

Well that's good "how are you feeling? Jackie asked rolling over towards my side

I'm whacked as hell "you? I asked

The same thank you for taking care of him for me she said

Your welcome you deserve peace and quiet I said going to kiss her goodnight

Goodnight honey she said

Goodnight amor I replied trying to catch some sleep and that's exactly what I did

Hey everybody surprise I'm back sorry it took me so long to update I've been really super sick the past five or six days I'm still recovering from my illness but I'm feeling better enough to write this chapter for you guys I hope you guys can forgive me anyway here's chapter 10 I hope you like it let me know what you think about it in the comment section below I also want give a shoutout to my dearest friend Jackie Hammack she's the greatest friend to have she had been checking up on me and making sure that I was doing alright thanks Jackie this chapter is dedicated to you thanks again guys for being so supportive and reading my stories and being patient I hope you guys really enjoy this chapter and again I'm sorry that it took me so long to update hopefully I'll be able to update sooner thanks again guys bye now

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