Chapter 1 The Very Begining

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Jackie's POV: I had gotten into another argument with Caleb he was a real asshole and never treated me right he was always abusing me he even raped me one time I walked downstairs we had a hotel room in the saloon when I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw six boys one of them looked at my direction he was tall darker skinned and had long black hair past his shoulders to the middle of his back he looked at me concerned when he saw Caleb coming after me he glared at the young man who was looking at me

What are you looking at Mexican greaser Caleb said in an angry tone of voice then proceeded to chase after me

I ended up in an alleyway I had to stop for a minute to try and catch my breath but that was a big mistake because the next thing I knew Caleb was on top of me he had grabbed me by the back of my hair and turned me around so that I would have to look at him he back handed me and other things I had blood all over me as well as cuts and scrapes and scratches I was traumatized I was shaking like a leaf

This the last time you doubled cross me you worthless wrench he said

I flinched closing my eyes knowing what was coming next but it never came because I felt Caleb being pulled off of me he was thrown a few feet I looked up and saw the young man I saw earlier Caleb got back up ready to fight him but the other guy pulled out a knife and held it towards Caleb's throat

You leave that Precisosa muchacha alone the young boy said speaking Spanish

He must be Mexican I thought watching what was happening the young boy stood his ground Caleb couldn't believe what was happening Caleb started walking away but turned back around and shaking his index finger at us

This isn't over Mexican he said then he disappeared from sight

The young Mexican boy sighed before turning towards me I was still shaking he walked over towards me with a concerned expression written on his face he kneeled down in front of me I flinched when he reached out to me

It's okay I'm not going to hurt you you're safe he said in a soothing tone of voice

I didn't look at him for while he reached out towards me he turned my head to face him he had soft smile on his face as if he was trying so hard to reassure me that I was going to be alright I looked at him with tears in my eyes he held out his arms and I gave in like a heart beat I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face into his chest he wrapped both arms around me hugging me

Shhh it's alright amor  it's alright now he's gone he won't bother you anymore not while I'm around he said

Thank you thank you for saving my life I thanked him

Do you mind telling me what your name is? He asked curiously

It's Jackie I replied

Okay please to meet you Jackie I'm Chavez you probably saw me earlier in the bar he said

Yeah I...I did "you're with Billy The Kid right? I asked

He nodded in response and smiled softly it was cold outside and I had no coat on Chavez saw that I didn't have a coat on he took off his jacket and wrapped it around me

Here use my jacket it'll keep you warm he said laying his jacket on my shoulders

I was still shaking like a leaf not just because I was scared but because I was cold as well

Chavez? I asked

Yeah what is it Jackie? He replied in a concerned tone of voice and he looked at me with concerned

I'm really cold "can you hold me? I asked

Yeah come here he said holding out his arms

I curled up in his arms I was crying softly as Chavez picked me up and took me inside the saloon/hotel he took me up to his room and laid me down on the bed draping the covers over me after he finished draping the covers over me he went to walk downstairs but I stopped him by grabbing his hand he turned back towards me worried

What's wrong Jackie? He asked

My lip trembled in fear there were tears coming down my face and Chavez got the message

You want me to stay with you? He asked

Yeah I replied my voice was breaking

Okay I'll stay up here with you  then He said

Chavez went to sit down on a chair that sat next to the bed I moved over and patted the bed he looked at me confused

"Chavez can you laid down beside me? I feel safer when someone holds me when I'm in bed I said 

You sure you want me to lay down beside you I mean we just met he said

I nodded my head my lip trembled again and Chavez saw that I was about to cry so he got up and climbed into bed and laid down beside me pulling me closer towards him I laid my head down on his chest he had his left arm resting on my shoulder he rubbed it gently he looked down at me and saw that I fell deep asleep he smiled softly and continued to lay beside me I had never felt more safe than ever before I think I'm starting to fall in love with him

Chavez's POV: as I laid there beside her I realized something

She needs me I thought

I figured that she needed protection from that guy she was with so I decided that I was going to protect her at all costs I looked down at her and saw that she had completely fallen asleep her head was resting on my chest and that my arm was wrapped around her I pulled the covers up to us to try and keep each other warm it was cold outside it was December 1879 it was going to be 1880 pretty soon she had finally stopped shaking not only from being exposed to the cold but also because of fear when I saw her she had fear in her eyes I pulled closer towards me trying to keep her safe and warm I gently kissed her head and we fell into a deep restful sleep

Okay here's chapter 1 I hope you guys like it let me know in the comment section below and this for my dearest friend Jackie Hammack I hope you like this one Jackie because this is for you and I'll try and update as soon as possible and I'm sorry if this seems short I'll try and make them longer alright that's all for now okay thanks guys bye now

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