Chapter 8 Second Child Is Born

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Jackie's POV: March 17,1883: I found out that I was pregnant two weeks after Chloe's first birthday it was spring 1883 March to be exact I was lying in bed next to Chavez Chloe was sleeping in her bedroom across from ours when it happened my water broke I sat up alarmingly clutching my stomach I turned to Chavez to wake him up

"Chavez? Chavez wake up I said shaking him awake

"What? "Jackie what's wrong why are you waking me up so early?  He asked curiously sitting up in bed

It's time my water just broke the baby's coming I answered

And before I knew it Chavez jumped up off the bed got dressed and went and got Mrs Lincoln after a few minutes Mrs Lincoln arrived and we did the same exact thing we did when Chloe was born Chavez and Chloe waited outside until we were done once we were done Mrs Lincoln went and got Chavez and Chloe I was holding our new baby in my arms Chavez walked in carrying Chloe they sat down beside me and the new baby I was worried that Chavez was going to be disappointed when he finds out that our new baby is not a baby boy but a baby girl

Well is it a boy or girl? Chavez asked curiously

I looked up at him and had a bummed out look on my face and Chavez got worried when he saw the look on my face

It's a girl isn't? He asked

Yeah it is I replied

Oh well we' live to fight another day he said kissing me

So you're not mad that the baby isn't a boy? I asked

No I'm actually scared now three girls to deal with he joked before planting a kiss on my lips

Is she my baby sister now daddy? Chloe asked

Yes she is Chavez replied smiling

Yay! Chloe cheered

Chavez's POV: I had to admit that I was little bummed that the baby wasn't a boy but as long as the little one was happy and healthy I was fine with having another girl in the house Jackie and I decided to name her Claire Jo I didn't know why but that's what Jackie wanted to name her so that's what we named her Chloe was at first jealous of Claire getting all of our attention but eventually she warmed up to her and was happy with having a baby sister she even helped me and Jackie out with her Chloe loved  Claire so much that it was almost impossible to separate them and that usually occurred at bedtime so Jackie and I decided to move her into Claire's nursery and it's been that way ever since Claire was born I came home from work and as I walked through the front door Chloe came running up to me holding her arms up so I knew what she wanted

Daddy daddy pick me up pick me up! Chloe screamed with excitement

I smiled softly and picked her up she getting big so when I picked her up I let a small moan from having to lift her up I held her in my arms she still carried that stuff German Shepherd toy dog around Chloe had her head leaning on my shoulder and was sucking her thumb

I visited Ivey's grave today daddy Chloe said

"You did? "did you cry?  I asked

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