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Look up, see an ocean blue sky, clouds rolling along like waves. The clouds are all in a beautiful symphony, gliding in the sky. Hesitate to break their delicate dance, but I still ache to reach for the stars. My body caught between everything I know and feel secure in, an uncertainty. My feet once the grounded, secured by the yellow stock that bloomed from the earth. My mind suspended wondering in the vacuum. Boundless, I am so close to space the blue sky falls behind me. Everything high above, undisturbed by the bustle below. The symphony broken by a missile shooting through the sky. Shrouded by the clouds I can no longer see the world below. Clad in primary colors, I listening for the voices, the voices of the helpless, the victims that have no where else to turn. Making out a single voice, a quiet plea. I fall propelling myself towards that helpless voice. A sound that can only be heard by one man, a hero.

"Do you find it difficult to focus in my class Mr. Kent?"

"Huh?" That was rewarded with laughter from my peers. "No Mr. Stewart, I was just thinking about..." I search for something to say, "how would you put Y X into K?"

"Rights, Jason." He gave me one of those 'I see through your bullshit excuse' looks. "Stay focused." He pointed.

Class yawned on, and I tried to look like I was taking notes. Instead I drew a mental picture of my suit. It would keep the primary blue and red, but change where the crest was. It could be on my shoulder, but does that mean I would have to pose in sideways? I jump out of the world of fantasy as the bell rang, I grab my stuff and walk out of class. Would I wear a cape? I thought as I walked down the hallway.

"Mark Skavinsky is having a party tonight." Aaron runs to catch up to me.

It's good for aerodynamics...

"Jason, did you hear me?" I turn to finally look at Aaron.

"Sorry man, yeah party tonight."

"This could be my opportunity to convince a drunk sophomore to go out with me." Aaron's imagination often conjuring questionable ideas. "So what do you say?"

"Sounds like fun..." I start.

"But-" He knew what was coming next, my half ass excuse.

I had it all planned out, I would say I was going out of town and that my parents... but then someone walks past me, like a gust of some divine force stepped in. It drew me towards this beautiful girl I had never seen before. She has this long hair that formed perfect black ringlets, that reached to the middle of her back. Her lavender shampoo wafts in the air. I watch as she walks away, her hips swaying leading her gorgeous legs. She turned back her almond shaped brown eyes finding mine, giving me a once over she smiles before turning back around to walk into the library.

She is the kind of girl that I would like to bend- A boiling serge of energy, creeping up from my toes and my fingertips, crawling up my neck choking me. The sweltering heat burns in my eyes. Covering my eyes to stop the molten rays from bursting out. I took a breath, and another until I felt the heat cooling. I could hear Aaron's faint voice.

Aaron's voice grows louder, "Jason are you okay?"

I take a breath, "Yeah I'm alright, just a migraine." The heat subsided. "Who was that girl?"

"The girl turning every head in this hallway, I have no idea. You'd probably find out if you went to Mark's tonight." He redirected.

"Sorry I'm leaving for the weekend to visit family."

"Of course, you'll never catch the recluse Jason Kent at social event." He brushes it off as a joke, but I knew he was getting tired of my excuses. But training is more important.

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