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I used to get questions about my appearance. Being tall with broad shoulders, black hair and blue eyes, I was constantly probed about my likeness to him. Walking down the street people would sometimes do a double take. Like they knew my face from somewhere.

When senior year came around I started to slouch a little more and I wore a pair of my dad's old glasses. People almost stopped giving me that look, asking those questions.

I don't think it's really the glasses. Some people are too smart to be fooled by that. But when my dad puts them on he becomes a harmless man, clumsy, nerdy and approachable. It's almost automatic when he does it, he immediately slouches and gives this dorky half smile. Clark Kent could never safe someone, no one can picture Clark Kent standing up to aliens let alone being one. Clark Kent doesn't carry himself with strength and you're not comforted by his presence the same way Superman does.

Sometimes I prefer Clark Kent to Superman, Clark is more attainable someone I could actually be. The longer time passes the slimmer my chances of being a hero become.

"You're human genes fight against your Kryptonian ones. You may not live as long as your father. This may also be why you have not fully developed you abilities yet. That and you're own fear is stopping you from controlling you abilities." I recall what the Kryptonian A.I. said. The voice seemed to come from nowhere, it echoed throughout the Fortress. My very own ominous voice to report on my downfall, almost confirming that I will never be as strong or powerful as Superman.

My dad learned and mastered most of his abilities by sixteen, but here I am almost eighteen  and I can't even shoot lasers from my eyes.

On top of all that Mr. Conner's is explaining an extensive project worth fifty percent of my grade.

"The project itself is fairly simple, it will just be a lot of writing that is why I am allowing you to pick partners -" Mr. Connors is cut off when there is a knock on his door. Opening it reveals Astral with a note. They speak in low hushed voices, I happen to pick up the conversation.

"I am so sorry, but my schedule got mixed up I'm suppose to be in AP Botany."

Mr. Connors inspected her note, then nods and lets her come in. Astral looks up and smiles as she takes a seat next to me.

AP Botany isn't the most popular class, she could have chosen to sit anywhere.

"Alright find your partners, this project is due at the end of the semester. And don't let this fool you this due date will come sooner than you think." Mr. Connors sits at his desk opens his laptop and puts in his head phones.

"Okay Mr. Kent fill me in on this project." Astral turns to me. 

"Well, we have to summarize each book chapter with pictures and videos, and give a presentation on 3 of them at the end of the semester."

"We? So does that mean we're working together."

"I guess that does make us partners." She smiles at me. "Since were partners, I'm going to need your number to talk project details."

"I thought you'd never ask." 

"We can go to my house to work on the project, if you're not busy."


Astral and I sit in the dining room, books sprawled out on the table. It's been thirty minutes of silence typing and the occasional sighs. Every now and again I will look up at her and smile, and sometimes I'd catch her looking at me.

"Can we take a break." She shuts her laptop. "My brain hurts."

"Definitely, do you want water or anything?" I ask as I get up to grab some for myself.

"Yes, thank you." Astral takes the water from me and stands up, making her way to the balcony. I follow her and open the french doors. She leans over the balcony, the sun hits her face creating a golden brown tint. "Can I be completely honest with you." I nod. "I was terrified to move here." She starts. "Moving to a new school, new surrounds and people, I didn't really want to come here." She gazes out into the city sky line. "I felt so isolated and out of place here." Astral looks at me. "Until I met you." She laughs to herself. "As weird as it sounds you make me feel like this city is my home, like I'm meant to be here."

Astral turns away from the balcony leaning her body on the railing and looks at me. Her hair drapes over the balcony, her small waist curves up elongating her curvaceous body. And her eyes pull me in, until I am standing close enough to feel her breath on my face. Looking down at her full red lips, I couldn't think of anything else.

My hand wraps around her waist almost instinctively, pulling her closer so her lips can feel mine. A soft peck morphs into a magnetic passionate kiss. Dropping my cup I put my hand on the nape of her neck, her delicate hand reaches for my shoulder blade. We need to be impossibly closer. A soft moan escapes her lips, I grunt in responds. Lifting her legs with ease she wraps herself around me. I guide us to the couch, gently laying her down before climbing on top of her.

My hands don't know where to go, we've only know each other a few days. I don't know where my hands can and can't go. So I rest them on the couch gripping the leather tightly, so I don't put them anywhere else.

Astral sits up without breaking the kiss. She pulls me away, then pecks my lips once more.

"I feel like we've know each other our entire lives." She stares at me.

"Exactly, I feel like I can be completely honest with you." I'm lost in her brown eyes. I take off my flimsy glasses. "I'm an alien."


A little short, I know. I didn't want to add stupid filler.

Why did Jason tell Astral his secret?

Do you like them as a couple?

What are your predictions for chapter 6?


And did you notice that the art always pertain to the chapter.

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Have a beautiful day... or night.

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