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"Remember land gently don't let the force of gravity bring you down." My dad reminds me.

"I know dad."

"Then do it Jason."

Inhaling deeply I launch myself. Feeling the world fall away from me, this is the closet thing to flying. The liberating feeling of not being bound by gravity. "I'm an alien." It's cut short as a feel gravity take over. I plummet into the ground my feet create a small crater.

"Are you joking?" Astral almost laughs.

Punching the ground I try to breath out.

"No I-"

"What planet are you from?" She jokingly questions.

"Come on Jason let's do it again. Jump over the barn." I hear his voice clearly from across the corn field.

"Where's your spaceship?" Astral continues to prob.

Why did you tell her you idiot. You've put everyone in jeopardy.

"Do you have an abilities?"

"I'm done. I can't do this." I stand to walk away.

My dad is in front of me in seconds.

"No your not, come on you were jumping farther distances last week."

"I'm just tired dad, can we just pick it up tomorrow?" I huff out.

"Are you going to say your tired when people's lives are on the line?"

I scoff at his comment and turn away. Dad reaches out to grab me, I shove him back.

"Don't fucking touch me!" I run away, too fast for anyone to see me, a blur.

Running to forget, to distance myself from my colossal mistake. The moment I told her I regretted it, it's like everything that compelled me to tell her vanished. I clammed up, couldn't answer her questions, then made a half-ass excuse to get her to leave.

I stop, the world around me catches up. Standing outside of my apartment I take in the city around me. The skyscraper reflecting the sun off its glass walls. The globe of The Daily Planet rotating continuously, unmoved by the elements. It doesn't allow anything to slow it down, to knock it out of orbit. Every time the daily planet is knocked down, they rebuild make it stronger.

I have to stop running from my problems.

My feet make up my mind for me, and within seconds I am in the hallway outside of Astral's apartment. Before I try to talk myself out of it I knock on her door. The silence of the vacant hallway grows louder as I wait.

Astral opens the door surprised to find me. "Long time no see, is one of your alien abilities disappearing?" She crosses her arms and gives a pointed look.

"No there not." Looking over at the elevator doors. "I'm sorry I dropped that on you without an explanation, and that I haven't been around." I finally look at her.

"So does that mean you're here to give me an explain?"

"Yeah, come with me. I'm giving you a tour of the city." She smiles as I take her hand and leading her to the elevators. The door closes trapping us inside. "I have never told anyone what I am about to tell you."

Astral and I wander the city, to my childhood playground and the deli where I got my first job. As she probes me about my other worldly heritage. My father is null and void of the conversation.

"So is this what you really look like?" Astral stops suddenly. "You're not disguising your real appearance with alien technology are you?"

"What! No." I laugh.

"Just checking." She stunningly smiles.

"I'm actually half human. My mother is human, and my father came here when he was a baby."

"Really? So does you father look like an alien?"

"No!" We come up on an alley way. "Let me show you show you something."

We walk in the alley away from prying eyes. I take off my flimsy glasses and point my eyes at the garbage can. Heat shoots out of my eyes in a quick burst, the trash ignites.

"Whoa." Astral whispers.

Before the fire flourishes I take a deep breath to extinguish it with a powerful gust of wind. I turn to Astral whose astonished her gaze fixed on the fire.

Turning to me, "So you can shoot lasers from your eyes, run super fast, leap tall buildings, you're super strong, what can't you do?"

"Fly." I mutter. Adjusting my glasses.

Astral stops mid thought, and tilts her head slightly. Taking a few steps til she stands with only inch between us. She reaches up to face and takes off my glasses. Realization strikes her, "Is your fath-".

"Hands up." A calm a calculated voice calls.

I look up to see a man in a mask holding up a pistol point at my head. I push Astral behind me and hold my hands up.

"Come on dude, you don't want to do this."

"Shut up and give me your wallet."


"I'll shoot."

"Do it." I smirk.


The bullet flies landing in between my eyes, and then falling to the ground. Like Astral he is astounded, unlike Astral he is horrified.


Another shoot to the chest, the bullet falls like a dead fly.

BANG! A third to the torso.

"Stop you're causing a scene." I calmly walk up to the man as he begins rapid fire. Bullets fall creating a trail. Grabbing the gun by the barrel I crush the it in his hand. Turning him around to trap him in my arms I flick his temple leaving him unconscious in the alley.

Astral comes up behind me. "Whoa."

Turning to look at her, we are only an inch apart. "My heart is pounding." She whispers.

"I know."

Dipping my head our lip brush each other's creating electricity. Gently gripping the small of her waist my hand slowly falls. My other hand rest on the nape of her neck. The steady kiss become urgent we both crave the taste of each other. The heat between us continues to intensify, her arms wrap around my neck pulling me closer. She bites my lower lip and looks up at me.

"You're my hero."


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2019 ⏰

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