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14 years ago...

Some mornings Jason's mom would read her and his dad's news articles. She use to take out certain parts and break down the story so young Jason could understand. If his dad was home then they would read it together, he could always paint a vivid picture of how they uncovered the story.

They both sat down with mom's coffee and dad's platter of food, eggs, bacon, a large stack of pancakes and toast. His mom begrudgingly opened the paper to the 2nd page, all of her stories belonged on the front page according to her.

"The Governor's Underground Gambling Ring, by Lois Lane and Clark Kent." She started.

Dad was digging into his pancakes when suddenly, "There's a robbery on 53rd." he heard on a distance police scanner. "The police are too far away." He added.

"Well what are you doing sitting around here, go save the day." His mom gave him a kiss on the cheek. And he sped away, to do what he does best.

"Alright, how mommy and daddy exposed the illegal gambling ring." She began reading, but young Jason's attention was elsewhere. Jason heard the action, the police sirens wailing, gunshots firing, and the crowds screaming and cheering for Superman.

He was confined to his booster chair, and couldn't see the action. "Daddy." He cried out. Jason shook the chair trying to break free. "Daddy!" He screamed. He grabbed onto his seat belt, pulling and twisting at it.

"Jason stop." Lois stated sternly.

But Jason kept twisting until the rope snapped. Crawling out his booster chair he ran to the balcony window. Lois left it open because it was a hot day.

"Jason get back here!" She yelled, but he ignored her. Lois ran after him, but he was faster than most toddlers, faster than most adults. By the time she caught up to Jason he was climbing the balcony railing. Lois grabbed him and held on to him with all of her strength. But Jason was stronger then most people.

"Noo!" He cried, breaking free from his mom's grip. He leaped from the balcony, several stories high. Lois looked down praying that he was strong enough to handle the fall. Jason landed on his two feet, he looked around for his daddy. "Daddy?" he called carefully.

The sirens and gunshots grew louder, the people around Jason scattered. They were all too preoccupied with themselves to notice the little Jason. The getaway car turned a corner, one of the gunman sat outside the window shooting at the police car closing following. Another cop car came from the other end of the street, whipping their car to block the road ahead. Two more cars followed behind it, creating a blockade. The robbers had no choice but to stop.

"I told you there is no point in running." Superman hovered over the car.

A crowd seem to come out of the wood works and soon gather around the scene.

"Daddy!" Jason screamed in excitement. He crawled and weaved through the pedestrians.

"Put your guns down, and step out of the car with you hands up." Superman commanded.

"Daddy, daddy!"

Superman snapped his head to look for the voice. "Jason." He breathed too low for anyone to hear.

"Daddy, daddy." Jason quickly ran to his dad. He stood under him, jumping to grab at his cape. "Daddy," Jason began to plea. Tears started to well in his eyes. Superman landed softly to scoop Jason up, Jason curled his body around his dad's shoulders. Superman rubbed his son's back to sooth him.

"It's going to be alright Jason." He whispered.

Superman looked at the crowd, the police officers and even the bank robbers seemed stunned.

"Is that really his son?"

"Is Superman married?"

"Who is that kid?"

Spectators questioned, Superman was at a stand still. This is one of the few times the world has seen Superman so vulnerable. FLASH, a camera captures the scene. Clicks and flashed can be heard all around Jason.

"You can handle this from here." Superman stated quickly, and in a flash he was gone.


Clark Kent, unlocked the door and walked into the apartment. Jason was curled up asleep in his dad's arms.

Lois sat on the couch biting away at her skin and nails. Clark walked over and sat down.

"I watched it all on the news. I tried to grab him but he's too strong." Lois looked at the wall shaking her head. "Clark what are we gonna do?"

"I don't know." They were both at a loss for words. Innocent Jason snored lightly in his dad's lap.

"You're here with Cat Grant live on the seen, where just Superman flew away with a young boy calling him daddy?" The camera man followed as Cat Grant asked spectators questions. "What occurred just a moment ago?"

The camera turned to a young woman, "The toddler came out the crowd calling Superman daddy, he was crazy fast. My friend said she was pushed by something pretty strong." The women smacked her gum as she spoke. "I think Superman has multiply baby mamma's, shoot if you want to make another baby Superman call me! 555-20-" Lois turned off the television as she got up to clean the kitchen.

The next day news stands and twitter's top stories were focused all on the mysterious son of Superman. Jason's picture on the cover of every newspaper from the Daily Planet, The Inquisitor, and even The Times. The story was plastered in news stands, billboards and televisions across America; The Next Superman? By Perry White. Lois' story on Russia's influence on American government made the 2nd page. 


Thank your reading another chapter! 

When I first thought of this story I created this chapter, before I ever knew the main plot, I wrote this down. This chapter to me is crucial to the story, that is why it's one of my favorites. 

What are your predictions for chapter 5? How did you like the flashback? I would love to hear them in the comments below!

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