Werewolf - Part Two

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The next morning, Emi was awake at 6 in the morning. Nathan was still fast asleep on the floor between the bed and the window seat. It was still dark outside too. She watched Nathan sleep for a little bit before turning over and looking towards the door that was to bring her outside and into the rest of the house. 

Emi's heart was aching just as much as the rest of her body. She felt guilty for wanting to be around Nathan because she was betraying Jake and his memory. She was using Nathan in place of him inside her mind and he seemed like a genuinely nice person. She didn't want to break Nathan when she finally figured out how to get home - if she could even get home. If she does get home, she doesn't even know if she can come back here either.

None of this seemed like a win situation for her or for him so she needed to keep her distance as much as possible.

Emi laid there for about half an hour before Nathan woke up and made a move to go to the washroom. Emi took that time to sit herself up because she didn't know how else to let him know she was awake without talking to him.

When Nathan came out of the bathroom, he wasn't surprised to see her awake. He could hear her moving around while he was in the bathroom.

"Breakfast?" Emi nodded once and didn't look at him. She instead turned on the TV again and found a new movie to watch. This one had a Princess in a desert oasis. 

Nathan was a little confused at this, but he figured that she was just in pain, so he brought her some more pain killers. Then Emi downed two glasses of water so he brought those with him to refill in the kitchen.

Emi relaxed a little when Nathan was gone. Distancing him was going to be hard but it had to be done.

The following two weeks went like this. Emi woke up around the same time as Nathan. He would make her breakfast and give her medicine. Emi would watch TV in the meantime, sometimes make her way to the bathroom before he came back up. They would both eat, Emi still confused as to why this realm's food tasted just a little bit off of what her realm would have. Then Nathan went downstairs to his office to work. Emi would be stuck with the TV. The Doctor would bring Emi lunch and help her try to do some exercises to help her body heal, and Emi wasn't sure it was working or not.

She was healing but it could have been because of anything.

After lunch and a small workout, the Doctor would leave a book with Emi. The books were always about history or geography or political things, which Emi found the most interesting because of her Political Science education.

By the time Nathan came back with dinner, Emi would be finished the book, or very close to. If she had any questions about what she had read, she would ask him. Never looking at his face, but he still seemed excited to answer questions about his world.

Emi wondered somewhere in the second week why he trusted her so much. All of the histories of this realm showed that it wasn't a great place to own land and here Nathan was an Alpha. Nathan had a whole country to look after and here he was helping a stranger to heal. He shouldn't be that trusting to an outsider. To Emi, it didn't seem like he could afford to. Wars were too easy here and she could have been a spy from another country for all he knew.

Yet he answered every question without hesitation.

She never asked about his life though, she read about his father in one of the books but didn't feel it was appropriate to talk about.

When Emi would get too tired, she would lay down and sleep immediately. Nathan would stay up for a bit longer, put away whatever book she had finished or sometimes just lay in the dark and listen to her breathing. He was happy she was here, but he knew she was pulling back. He just didn't know why. Nathan also wished to know more about Emi and her world but he was too scared to ask. Maybe she would become too homesick or some terrible memory would start her crying again and he didn't want that. So he held back.

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