Undercover - Part One

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When Emi agreed to go back to school (undercover) she didn't think she'd have such a tough time. She got every quiz 100% and even got bonus marks despite never paying attention in class. That angered her fellow peers. What made them pick on her was the fact that she had no magic. Right, she wasn't using magic like they were.

Most of Emi's magic had to be hidden so she couldn't access everything. This allowed her to seem like a level three when she was a level fifteen instead. Difficult, but not impossible.

Emi felt more like her Earth Realm self while undercover, she just held all of the knowledge of Other Realm inside her head. Plus some super strength. Enough strength that the athletic club noticed her and put her on the warrior team.

The popular girls, one who had been friends with Emi in high school while they lived in Earth Realm, were angry for two weeks when Emi made the team and they didn't. Emi had to switch to her other form (the one with the dual coloured hair) to use her super-strength even a little bit, and no one had ever seen Emi change forms. No one but the Captian of the warrior team.

So when Emi was chosen to represent the school, Shadow's Daughters, half the school lost their minds.

"We demand a battle!"

"New representative!"

"She has no magic!"

The Captain knew this would happen and Emi was prepared. The school met in the stadium and Emi gave them a speech, "I will represent you in the games if you want me to, but at least allow me to prove myself before you all judge someone you have not seen in action."

It was true, Emi was very secretive about what she could do. The Captain knew some of her abilities and skills, but not all of them. She couldn't, most of Emi's magic was locked away inside her crown and that crown was a tattoo on her arm. Kira, her best friend, had helped her lock it away and it was very painful.

So instead, Emi showed them what she could do.

She started by changing forms, in an instant, her shoulder-length brown hair was down to her waist and the left half was bright green while the right half was white. Then her eyes turned black. Completely black, and kind of terrifying.

The girls of the school found this frightening, but only a little. Mostly they grew excited. Black magic eyes can scare the other schools greatly, maybe Emi was the right choice.

This was the Captain's thought process too. Originally she thought it would be a funny joke, then she saw how Emi can fight.

Emi and the Captain each took a sword and started to fight. Emi had a clear advantage with her strength, and she secretly had more training.

Emi won - everyone cheered - she was going to fight for Shadow's Daughters.


Shadow's Daughters arrived at the same time the other schools did. In big yellow buses with bags full of things. They saw glimpses of people they might know in the crowds from the other schools before they were ushered into buildings and then into rooms. Here everyone got a room to themselves. The popular girl who Emi had once known talked to her the whole ride to the neutral zone. The other girls she was friends with pretended the two weren't having a conversation.

Suddenly, Emi had a bunch of friends. People who spoke to her in Earth Realm but not in Other Realm started to talk to her in Other Realm finally. Her friends weren't embarrassed to be seen talking to her. She wasn't a disgrace anymore now that everyone knew she had magic and abilities.

Emi, with the Captian, Harper, decided to host a get-together with the team that night in the Captian's room. The team was full of secondaries that help out with the challenges. There were ten of them and one of them was the popular girl who had re-accepted Emi on the bus ride. Kylie was her name and Emi had known her in Earth Realm for years.

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