Werewolf - Part Five

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The next three days Emi tried really hard to soak in as much moon power from the three moons as she could. It wasn't much, but at least now she could hold her hair colour and not change back into her Earth Realm form where she was in pain all day. Only at night did she risk it, and that was because she needed to save her power in order to do things during the day with the rest of the house. Also at night, Nathan was there to hold her and make her feel more comfortable and safe. No longer was he sleeping on the floor or the window seat. They both slept in the bed and they slept soundly.

They didn't cuddle. Not exactly. But Nathan had to be touching Emi in some way every night. Just the back of his hand against her arm or something. And if he had that, he could sleep amazingly and without worry. Wherever he was touching Emi, she would never be in pain, so she focused on that spot every night to fall asleep and stay asleep.

It was a nice comfort for both of them. Even though neither of them spoke about it.

Emi got to see the wolves shift from human to wolf and back again many times during those three days. The whole process was mystifying. They were smooth and almost magical whereas those in Other Realm who sacrificed everything to transform into a wolf. Nothing about these werewolves was the same. Even Nathan as an Alpha was completely different. He did a lot of work between his pack and the surrounding ones.  There was a lot of work going into this and Nathan was basically the ruler of a country by default.

Emi had a lot of respect for him due to that.

On the afternoon of the third day, a girl approached Emi while she was outside. Emi remembered her from dinner. She was the soul mate to Nathan's second and regularly sat close enough to Emi that they've had a few conversations. Her name was Pria and she was very nice and very pretty.

"I'm getting you ready to go out tonight."

Emi gave her a smile and got up from her regular chair, "awesome!"

Emi followed Pria back into the house and up to her room. Pria shared a room with Harry and it was just as big as Nathan's was. There just seemed to be twice as much stuff in it. That kind of made Emi feel a little left out. She was here without anything that was her's. Just those fuzzy PJ's that if she had her magic could be her everyday clothes.

She couldn't even summon a weapon from her vault. Embarrassing.

"So, I have some clothes that we'll try first and if they don't fit we can alter them while the rest of you get ready."

Emi raised an eyebrow to question the pile of clothes on Pria's bed. "What's the vibe we're going for?"

Now it was Pria's time to be confused, "what's a vibe?"

Emi blushed in embarrassment. Right, don't talk in modern stuff. They don't get all of it here. "A vibe is like an atmosphere. The look you're going for to match where we are headed."

Pria still looked a little confused, but she moved on easily. They were all so good at accepting that Emi was from a different world and spoke differently. It made Emi feel strange and alien a lot of the time.

Pria held up a couple of dresses, one was super black. Emi had never seen something so dark other than her own magic and her worm-holes. Clothes just didn't achieve this shade every. The other one was a deep grey and covered in glitter.

Emi pointed at the black one, "I like that."

Pria grinned, "I figured you'd like that one. It looks like the hole in the universe you fell out of."

Emi blinked at her, "you saw that?"

She nodded, "Nathan said to not say anything but that was scary at first. The thing appeared and then you fell out, in full armour, and even though you were unconscious and healing for weeks, I haven't seen Nathan that happy in years. I knew you were going to be a good thing."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 24, 2020 ⏰

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