Werewolf - Part Three

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Things changed after that.

Emi felt dull pain the next morning and her hair had gone back to brown. The magic wore off a little but Nathan had left her on the window seat and she could see the day-time moon, Elra, just like he said she would. She also noted that people were outside in the yard. Emi hadn't really looked outside yet while in her boredom, but now she could see them playing and training and just living their lives.

She would be able to go outside now that she was feeling better and she could also borrow some more moon magic to help out.

Emi then looked over to the bed and Nathan's eyes were on her. He looked like he didn't sleep well.

"Your hair is back again," he commented.

Emi smirked and did her best to look towards him without looking directly at him. "Magic can't stay with me in this realm I guess."

She could tell that Nathan frowned at that.

"Did you prefer weird hair?"

Nathan looked surprised at that. It wasn't what he expected to hear. And he didn't have an answer. Emi laughed at him then stretched and got up from the window seat.

"Can I leave your room today?"

Nathan also did not expect that.

Nathan's mouth opened and closed a couple of times in surprise, Emi could tell he was hesitating. Instead of waiting, she went to the washroom to clean herself up. She took a regular shower and it made her feel so refreshed, she almost wanted to try and get herself to open a portal home today.

For now, she's going to focus on changing her hair so she can be in her Other Realm form. The rest of the magic should come with time and practice. Hopefully faster than whatever this healing stage was because it took forever. Emi really hoped three moons would also assist her.

When she got out of the shower, she used all of her will to force her hair to change. It took ten minutes of concentration and while looking at herself in the mirror, she thought she really took on the face of constipation. She was glad that Nathan hadn't seen her do that.

When her hair changed this time, it became white on the right half and light blue on the left half. The length shortened just a little bit from her regular brown hair but only by about an inch.

Emi then dried herself off, because he hair dried itself but not her body, and got dressed into one of the outfits Nathan had found for her to go outside last night. This time she put on a pair of light blue jeans and a long-sleeved turtleneck in black that clung to her body. Her Other Realm hair had also brought out her Other Realm body a little bit and she looked much healthier than before.

After that, she felt better. So Emi headed back into Nathan's room. Nathan was fully dressed now too but he was in more summer-like clothing. Shorts and a t-shirt. Emi had no idea what weather was like here but she wasn't willing to get too cold today.

"Breakfast first?" Nathan asked and then gestured to the door. "I can cook in the kitchen while you meet some people."

Emi grinned, "okay!" She was going to meet more people finally! Not just the Doctor and Nathan anymore.

Nathan held out his arm again as if Emi needed help getting to the kitchen. She accepted it, however, and let him help her. She didn't know when her magic would turn off, it could at any time. Having Nathan there to help her if she suddenly was in pain and fell over or something will be nice.

The weird tingles started up again as soon as their skin touched and Nathan seemed to relax while Emi was still confused. She wanted to ask what it was, but she didn't feel like this was the right time.

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