Werewolf - Part Four

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Nathan made sure that Emi didn't move till dinner when everyone crowded into the dining room to eat together. Well, almost everyone. Most people who wanted to know who Emi was. Usually, at dinner time, the pack would gather to eat together, but it was never this big of a crowd. It was just the people who had nothing going on or anyone who wanted to speak with the Alpha. This evening, however, everyone waited to eat dinner together so they could get a good look at the mystery girl.

Emi supposed coming through a portal, changing her hair, and destroying the kitchen island made a big impact on the ones who knew about it and attracted everyone's attention. She was weird and interesting to them and they were weird and interesting to her.

Emi ended up to the right of the head of the table - where Nathan always sat so people could easily ask him questions. 

Nathan was more terrified and uneasy than Emi was. Sure, she was scared because she didn't know anyone or how they would react to her, but Nathan wanted Emi to like his pack and in turn, wanted his pack to like Emi.

He was introducing his mate, their Luna, and no one even knew. Emi didn't even know what those words meant or how much they had an impact on Nathan and the pack. They had lost the first Luna and Nathan knew he was alone forever. There was never going to be another mate for him, it wasn't possible because that's not how mate's work. You only ever get one.

Except Emi was from another realm and she was his now, but he just didn't know how to explain it to her. Where would he even start?

Emi felt very nervous all dinner, everyone wanted to talk to her. How did she change her hair colour? Where was she from? How did she find them? What was her home like? Can she explain her type of werewolves to them?

Nathan nodded at questions she could answer. Mostly simple ones like her hair and her super-strength. They were more interested in her magic hair, however. How she got there, she didn't even try to answer. She wasn't entirely sure how it worked anyways. Something to do with her wormholes and the catastrophe. Emi didn't want to think about it because all she could picture was her friends dying and her being sucked away. It was a bad moment to think about because it made her sad to be here. Even if she did enjoy being around Nathan a little bit.

She still wasn't sure if she liked being around him because he looked like Jake or if it was because she actually liked him for him. Looking like Jake sure helped though.

Emi looked at Nathan when they asked how her world was and he shrugged, he wanted to know too. Emi them smirked for the first time at the dinner table and asked, "Which one?"

That left people thinking and gave Emi some time to actually eat some of the food. Nathan watched Emi's every move very carefully. He was ready to spring into action to help her when she needed him.

When dinner finally ended, Nathan shooed everyone off. Everyone wanted to do something with Emi. Nathan wanted her all to himself again. Not that this wasn't fun, but it was nice when she was hiding in his room and he could protect her better. Emi had also been his secret this whole time and now he had to share her, it wasn't a great feeling overall.

So Nathan brought Emi back to his room and made sure she was comfy on his bed. Emi smirked the whole time because Nathan was just moving her around and not telling her what to do. He was kind of treating her like a little kid and she thought it was hilarious. Nathan even tried to tuck her in and Emi stopped him, "I am not in pj's."

Nathan nodded once, "yes... right."

Emi smiled and looked at Nathan in the eyes for a split second, then she looked away and wiped the smile off her face as fast as she could. Nathan's breath hitched and he was sure hoping that Emi didn't notice. All was quiet for a few minutes while they both avoided looking at each other.

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