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Here is a summary of each different story so you can pick and choose which one(s) you would be interested in reading!

Werewolf - 

Sent to another realm, one she's never been to, Emi has to survive without magic while in the care of a pack of werewolves. After the Catastrophe, many died and she knows she will never see them again. However, she hopes she can return to the ones that are still alive someday soon.

The werewolf that found her and is now taking care of her has his own secrets, one of them being that Emi looks exactly like his mate, Allison, who died many years ago. Emi's secret is that this boy looks exactly like Jake, who she watched die during the Catastrophe. The only thing that they can do is not get too close to each other so Emi can heal enough to send herself home.

Various - 

Emi cannot seem to find her way home.

Every time she tries to open a portal to send herself home, she ends up in another realm and a new adventure. She's thankfully not alone. Every time she steps out into a new place, she makes a few friends, and then accidentally takes one of those friends with her every time she leaves. A magical assassin, a vampire, a Prince with fire hands, a wolf shifter, a panther shifter, a King with a magical sword, and a few other misfits join her travels.

Undercover -

With a tournament of sorts looming in the near future, Emi goes back to school to find out information about a group of students that are attempting to do something dangerous in Other Realm. Emi has to turn off her magic but she can't turn off her knowledge and this combination is enough to get her notice and not in a good way.

So when the tournament starts and she has to bring out all of her tricks to get noticed by the group and a way into what their plans are.

Betrayal -

When Emi was 16, her youngest sister died. Correction - was murdered. She didn't get a chance to use her Queenly powers to get rid of her murderer because a guard who didn't know who she was, stripped Emi of her magic and banished her to Earth Realm for the rest of her life. Now 20, somehow she found her way back into Other Realm. She can get her magic back, but there's no way for her to survive in the wild in time to find Kira without being caught.

Teams -

Leadership is important, and Emi's team is going to win the competition. She just has to whip them into shape.

Career Week -

The school's have come together for a career week. A whole week where they can show off to the student's what their options are after they graduate. Emi is leading the royal guards and protecting everyone at the same time. If the student can't impress her, they don't get the job. This is not something everyone likes or even agrees with. But Emi has the final say because she is the Queen, they just don't know that yet.

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