Arc 1: The beginning part2

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Chapter 2: The Beginning part 2

Disclaimer: I own nothing except the plot and my OCs. There will be a lot of ooc actions from everyone because I'm horrible with emotions that I haven't felt or seen firsthand. Also, this took longer because I may have compulsively started a second story, so yeah. (-_-')


'Thoughts or emphasis'

'Separate voice inside head'


Whispering or emphasis or sarcasm

Extreme emotion/extreme emotion

^ inspired by another author's fic (Info at the bottom)

(Author's note or extra info) marked accordingly

(A.N.: For plot purposes, Dumbledore is now evil, sorry not sorry. Also, apologies to those who had to wait quite a while for this, I fell into a bad head space but I'm fine now. I hope this is to your liking. Enjoy!)


August 3, 1985

Derek June's POV

  As the little one drifted off to sleep, I tried to pull my hand back, only to find even in sleep Harry had an iron grip on my hand. Giving in to my fate I simply sat back and ran a hand through my chestnut brown hair. 'My goodness, this is all such a mess,' I thought. The first day of starting your education is supposed to be fun, happy, and make you want to come back the next day.

   Not only was there a fight on the first day, ending with the victim gaining a black eye, busted lip, and a possible broken nose. The attacker showed absolutely no remorse for his actions and completely believed he was in the right and did absolutely nothing wrong.

  According to Ms. Jackson, when asked why it was okay the boy said word for word, "Mummy and Daddy always say a freak like him isn't allowed to be happy, and whatever does cause him happiness should be taken away and destroyed." When asked why he attacked Liam he said," He made the freak smile and laugh and I knew I couldn't take him away, so I had to destroy him." 

   When asked what made harry a freak he replied," I don't know mummy and daddy have always called him a freak." Needless to say, the boy is going to get a lot of counseling and the family is definitely going to go under investigation, especially after the bambino piccolo's panic attack and the reason it was caused.

   And the chores he listed are nothing a five-year-old should do; I mean really, cook the breakfast, sweep vacuum mop and polish the floor, and clean his cousin's room. It was obvious there was more, but I'm guessing he misinterpreted the horror on my face; because he started apologizing and begging not to be punished while crying softly until he fell into a panic attack.

  Oh lord, it hurts my heart to think of that small face twisted in panic and fear. He really is a beautiful and adorable child; I just can't fathom why anyone would want to purposely try to harm and upset him when he seems genuinely kind and gentle. I also know he isn't lying because one can only gain callouses like these from hard work and manual labor.

   As I brush his hair out of his face, I was startled to see a lightning bolt scar on his forehead. Dear Merlin, I knew his name is Harry Potter, but both of those names are quite common in the muggle world. He honestly looks more like Lily than James, and he obviously does not need glasses. Well, the Wizarding World is going to have a very rude awakening, what with four-fifths of the population believing he's a perfect clone of James with Lily's eyes.

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