4. Jake

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Just a little author note to let you guys know this one is a smut, maybe a shitty one, but I tried my best. Enjoy ;)

"Hey." Jake blows out the smoke before looking to his left, where the voice came from.

"Hey," he greets back.

Olivia walks to him and lights a cigarette herself, leaning against the wall beside him. He watches as she takes a drag, then takes the cigarette between her fingers and brings her head back, blowing the smoke up to the sky.

"That was great," she voices, smiling at him. "The gig, I mean. I've never seen you guys playing before."

"Thanks." He gives her a genuine smile, after everything, he needed to know someone appreciates what he does.

"You playing the guitar is out of this world." She takes the cigarette to her lips again. Her eyes leave his face, but her hand touches his knee, going up until halfway through his thigh. "It was impressive, like you were lifted to another plane of existence. It was kind of erotic."

A breath gets caught inside his throat, a shiver runs down his spine. "Was it?"

"Yes. It looked like you were fucking that guitar." Her hand slides dangerously up and she looks at him again, bringing her face too close to his ear. "I got jealous."

He takes a deep breath, trying to focus on anything other than the warmth of her hand or her breath on his neck. He looks to the floor, shaking his head lightly.

"You're not interested. Fuck, I'm sorry." He feels her body moving away from his and immediately misses the contact. His eyes travel the floor to her face, she's blushing, her eyes adorably lost. He doesn't think a guy has ever said no to her.

"No, it's not it. I can't imagine someone not being interested, I mean, look at you." She looks at him again, a shy smile adorns her face, her eyes far from those seductive ones, they look quite innocent. "It's just that - I just got out of a relationship, like, five hours ago."

She takes the cigarette to her lips again, tossing it aside after taking a last drag. He does the same. There's a wall of silence between them, but he can't tell if it's a comfortable one or not. He's looking at her, she's looking at the stars. "Is there any chance of you guys getting back together?" She asks, eyes still on the sky.

"No way."

"Are you sad?" She finally looks at him, he trembles when their eyes meet.

"No, I'm actually relieved."

"Then I don't understand." The innocence is still plastered on her face, just a little bit of it missing, the bit that traveled to her voice.

"I don't think I do, either. But it sounds wrong, doesn't it?" She moves away from the wall, stopping in front of him, his hands find her waist in an automatic motion.

"I've never been in a relationship to get out of one, but I can't see why it would be wrong. You're a free man, Jake. You make your own choices." She's right, but it's hard to see it as his choice, it feels like it's hers and he would do anything she says, like he stopped thinking from the moment she joined him on that starry night.

His hands bring her body closer to his, electricity flows inside his veins, but he can't tell if it's the contact or the intensity of her gaze. His shirt is more opened than buttoned, as usual, and she takes both her hands to his exposed chest; one of them slides down, nails delicately scratching his skin; the other slides up, meeting the back of his neck.

"Tell me you don't want me and I'll stop."

Her velvet lips touches his neck, he feels her tongue on his skin and the only thing he can do is bring her closer. She entangles her fingers in his hair, tugging at it at the same time her mouth trails his jaw. A kiss is placed on the corner of his mouth, after that, she brings her head back to look him in the eyes, not going any further without knowing if that's what he wants. But how could it not be?

Olivia // Jake KiszkaWhere stories live. Discover now