10. Rachel

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This one is a little shorter than usual, but I hope you guys enjoy <3


"He's kinda going out with Olivia. I'm sorry, honey :/"

Rachel read the text message not really sure about what pissed her off the most, being called "honey" - an annoying, fake habit Joy had picked up from the british girl - or the fact she lost to Olivia.

Maybe it was the long hair, exposed chest and rockstar vibe; maybe it was his smirk and husky voice. But the one thing Rachel was sure about was that she wanted to take Jake home from the first time she saw him, which was also the first time Joy and Sam met. It was a Saturday night, the girls were at a pub, drinking the weight of the week away. An unknown band called Greta Van Fleet was announced, but the group of girls didn't pay much attention. While part of the people at the place piled themselves up in front of the small, improvised stage, they decided to stay at their table like the rest.

But then, a loud guitar riff started, being followed not long after by a hit on the drums and a very powerful voice. The girls turned their heads to the stage for the first time, their eyes finding four extremely attractive young men, playing like true rockstars. Without facing each other, the group stood up from their chairs and headed to the front of the stage, like they were being carried by the music. Except for Joy, whose eyes were stuck on the long haired, shirtless bass player, the girls seemed to be all hypnotized by the guitarist.

They went back to the table after the set, incapable of shutting up about what had just happened, about the power emanating from those four strangers. Sam stood up in front of them a few minutes later, wearing a shirt by then, and asked them to join the rest of the band at their table. The whole time he spoke, his eyes wouldn't leave Joy.

Unfortunately, Jake was sitting by a girl's side when they got there, his arm crossed around her shoulders. But spending the rest of the night, sharing a table with him somehow fueled Rachel's desire for him even more. She knew he would be hers someday, she just had to be patient.

It's funny, they never really talked and fucking him senseless was the only thing Rachel actually hoped for. But still, she was part of that group of Joy's friends who hate Olivia for being a slut, which means she sees guys, finds them attractive and takes them home. That draws to a pretty interesting conclusion, despite what they say, they don't hate Olivia because she's a whore, they hate her because, if they find themselves attracted to the same guy, it's her he's going to choose.

That, by the way, is something Rachel will never be able to understand. Her pouty lips, bright green eyes and long, red hair had always made her the prettiest girl wherever she was. But for some reason, she becomes invisible next to Olivia. What doesn't make sense in her head is the fact there's nothing special about the girl, Rachel can't get why everyone is so obsessed with her. Like back on the fire, when Joy said even her would fuck Olivia and Josh was all like "name someone who wouldn't." Well, Rachel certainly wouldn't!

Joy says it's her demeanour, the way she walks and talks, always effortlessly sexy and flirty, but all Rachel sees is a plain boring girl with a very arrogant attitude.

But, apparently, Jake is into that. Or better, was, because one day, out of nowhere, the following text shone bright on Rachel's phone.

"Hi, it's Jake, Sam's brother. Joy told me about you and I was wondering if you would like to go out sometime."

That meant bye bye Olivia.

Jake was already at the restaurant when she got in, sitting at a table right in the center of the place. He was wearing tight, black pants, his good old Chelsea boots and a shirt miraculously buttoned almost to the neck. He was nervously tapping his fingers on the table, taking in every detail of the restaurant, his eyes wandering about while Rachel watched him from afar, trying to read his face.

Olivia // Jake KiszkaDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora