Chapter 15

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Oh My Gosh!!!!!! Thanks you guys so much because we hit 1k reads!!! SO to celebrate I'm going to see how long I can go with one chapter. Don't worry it won't be like 20 years later after I'm done, I'm just going to be more detailed and add more things than usual so yeah. But thanks so much and Bye Bye :)



"Hey get back here stupid fox!" Sasuke yelled at the fox running around trying to find it until the fox stopped and took a sharp left turn into Naruto's room. Sasuke followed having to slow down for the turn and ran into Naruto rom after the fox. 

"Get out right now stupid fox before you become my new hitting target!" Sasuke said with a lot of anger present in his voice. The fox ignored Sasuke as the fox grabbed something on the desk and ran past Sasuke so fast that Sasuke didn't notice until a few seconds later.

 But what Sasuke didn't know was that those few seconds saved the fox from dying so the fox got away without Sasuke knowing what the fox took and didn't know where it went. "Stupid damn fox barging in" Sasuke said forgetting he left the front door open.


The orange fox kept running as fast as he could, painting with heavy breaths just incase someone was following him. . . or something. The orange fox ran into the forest, and the thing following him stopped for a few seconds to say, "Very interesssssting"

 It said that as it slithers into the forest as well. It took the two, about an hour until they made it to Naruto's sleeping body. The slithering object moved behind a tree so it could see what this boy's reaction would be. Then the orange fox took a step towards Naruto before Naruto's eyes opened wide and he stared at the now running fox.

 He yawned then said, "Did you get it?" Naruto said as the slithering object changed into a humanoid creature behind the tree, he thought to himself with a grin, * He sharp on his senses, I should be careful, But at the same time I want him as my . . .helper*

 The creature peeked from behind the tree once again listening to the two talk. "Y-Yeah I got it but h-he said that if I wanted to get it I have to show him where you are. Then I-I bolted into the house knowing that you needed it and grabbed it." The fox said sad.

 Naruto had noticed the creature and took it that the fox brought Sasuke hear so he said coldly, "Is that why he's hiding behind a tree." The creature heard this and said quietly, "Damn he found me"

 The creature was about to transform into its slithering friend again but a kunai hit the tree, a few inches away from its face. It stops suddenly when it hears someone say the direction the kunai came from, "Don't... Move" 

They said it so full of hate as they stood up from where they sat and walked over to the tree. The creature though didn't move and it didn't know why. . . fear, scared, numb, frozen, stuck, etc. He stood still while the now seeable boy, Naruto walked up to him.

 All the creature could see was blonde, sun kissed hair and, him wearing black clothes. Naruto looked at the humanoid with a sigh of relief knowing its not Sasuke who followed the fox but he was still a little mad that the fox didn't look around before entering the forest.

 All they could hear in the silence was the orange fox saying over and over again, "I'm sorry. . . I'm sorry Naruto-sama" The fox said until Naruto lifted his hand calmly saying softly, "Its ok, it's not Sasuke. . . it's just some man"

 The man paused and thought loudly, *H-He knows I'm a boy! Man everyone that's meet me in person *That doesn't know who I am* calls me a girl!* Naruto looked at the fox and then said coldly, "Hey buddy I need to leave and hide with the rest I'll be back soon mkay?" 

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