2: Villian

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Once everyone got into their seats they all watched as a huge screen lit up.

The screen was black and all that could be heard was a scream then a loud crash.The camera turned to show Bakugo crying over Midoriya's bloody body,buildings were destroyed and Stain,the hero killer, lay unconscious nearby.All-might appeared behind him and placed a hand on his shoulder."I'm sorry for your loss." He stated."WHY DIDN'T YOU SAVE HIM?! YOU WERE RIGHT THERE YOU COULD HAVE SAVED HIM!!"He screamed at the number one pro hero."I'm sorry but Stain was within reach and I didn't know the boy was there..." all-might stated before removing his hand from bakugo's shoulder.



Deku: K...kacchan?

Mitsuki:*glaring at all.might*

Bakugo stood up and picked up deku's lifeless body bridle style."You.don't.deserve.to.be.called.a.hero" he stated before walking away with tears streaming down his face.

All-might: what...?

Aizawa: *wide eyed* I...I think I know where this is going.

Bakugo walked up to a forest and was shown burying midoriya's body by a tree.

Deku: *gasp* he remembered.

A flashback of his childhood came back.
"When I die I want to be buried right by that tree! What about you kacchan?" A younger midoriya exclaimed pointing to the tree" when I die I want to be buried right next to you!" A younger katsuki said with a smile.

As katsuki got up he saw none other than who he recognized as shigaraki tomura.

Mina: don't tell me....*almost crying*

Kirishima: Please don't bro...

Sero:*comforting mina*

Denki: bakugo don't be stupid

Deku:*thinks: please kacchan don't do it*

Katsuki approached him."I want in the league."he stated shigaraki was suprised but agreed none the less

-time skip brought to you by momojiro-

As class 2-A entered the usj building with all might and Aizawa,many still upset and about bakugo's disappearance and deku's death. A portal appeared and out walked shigaraki."well well well.This is a suprise isn't it..." he said chuckling evilly. "Oh by the way I have someone I want you to meet."
Out walked a guy with a hood over his head,a mask covering his face but a orange dress shirt and black dress pants along with black dress shoes.Everyone took a step back."Who are you." Aizawa demanded." Oh pity,you don't remember me...." said an all to familiar voice." It's for the best,I go by a different name now..." he stated reaching up to grab his mask and pulled it off. Everyone gasped when they saw who it was."The name's deku what's yours?" Bakugo smirked menacingly then sent a huge explosion in the direction of the class.Then the screen went back as their screams were drowned out.

Aizawa: everyone agree that we do not let midoriya die no matter the circumstances.

Everyone nodded rapidly.

Urarakakakakaka: why did he say his name was deku?

Deku: cuz I died and he wanted to avenge me by killing all-midget over there.

Deku states whilst pointing at toshinori,who put a hand on his heart and gasps faking to be offended causing some to laughing.

Mitsuki: wait so does my brat like izuku? And does izuku like the brat?

Mitsuki asked no one in particular but almost everyone looked her dead in the eye and said."yes".Causing deku to become a blushing mess.

ally: ok so the next one!

Ally jumps up and down as her tail wags happily.

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