"A horse race to obtain the power of gods?"/ "Who will Goku recruit!?"

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[Set in the Goku Black arc. Alternative ending.]

"Zamasu, something is worrying you, I could tell." Gowasu said.

"Mortal's are the gods mistakes, so why don't we just kill them all?" Zamasu asked angrily.       

"Your angered because the mortals have reached the state of the gods. Goku and Vegeta, correct?" Gowasu asked.

"Yes." Zamasu responded.

"Aah, I have an idea. How about a race? The winner would receive god powers, and if they don't mess up and do something that is against your sense of justice, then you shall rid your grudge of mortals." Gowasu said.

"Fine. But if the mortal who shall win said race and obtain true god powers does something unholy, I'll rid of all mortals." Zamasu said.

"Indeed." Gowasu replied.

"I'll gather the Super Dragon Balls and the winner shall wish himself the powers of a god. If the victor makes a different wish, I will kill all the mortals."

"Zamasu, this is a bad idea." Gowasu said.

"You can't stop me." Zamasu said. "Oh, and I'll keep all of them under the illusion that its just a friendly race." He said. "It will span across all twelve universes!" 

                                                              ~Goku P.O.V.~

"Vegeta, you got way stronger!" I exclaimed.

"Or maybe you've just been slacking on your own training, Kakarot." Vegeta responded.

I scoffed and walked into Bulma's house, which was close to where Vegeta and I were training. 

"Man, after all that training, I'm hungry!" I said. 

Future Trunks walked in. 

"Huh? What is it trunks?" I asked curiously. 

"Tell dad to come outside. Now." 

"Uhh, sure."

Gowasu was standing there, looking scared.

                                                         ~Narrator P.O.V~             

"I remember you. What's up?" Goku asked. 

"Zamasu, he's up to no good again!" Gowasu said.

"Huh, what do you mean?" 

"Its my fault, I sort of encouraged him to go on, but, he's starting a horse race." 

Vegeta snickered.

"Yeah, so?" 

"Go on." Goku said.

"And the victor would be granted the power of gods."

"WHAT!?" Goku, Vegeta, and Trunks all said together at the same time.

"I encouraged him instead of stopping him, not knowing how serious he would take it, I'm so ashamed of myself.." Gowasu said as Vegeta cut him off.

"What's done is done, now what we have to do is stop him. Put us into the damn race!" Vegeta exclaimed.

"S-s-sure.." Gowasu said. "Make sure one of you three win!" He exclaimed. 

"Yeah, no way we'll lose!" Goku said as Trunks nodded his head.

"T-t-hank you!" Gowasu exclaimed. 

Gowasu left, and the saiyan trio walked inside.

"I'm not asking her for a horse." Vegeta said.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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