Chapter 2

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I AM BACK!!! My computer was broken, so I had to wait for a new one, but "I always come back". Please comment if you know from where that is. Without further or do let's go on with the story.


Y/N's pov:

I forgot about my training... "FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!!!" I screamed, grabbing my hair, out of fear as I was pacing around. "What's wrong?" the servamp asked. I looked at him with eyes filled with terror. He flinched and looked nervous. I sighed and told him-"It's a long story". He looked disappointed, but said something that made my heart warm with some kind of relieve."I can escort you to your house and stay for a bit if you want." My lips twitched upwards into a smile for a second and said-"Fine by me."- with my normal bored expression. He chuckled at that and transformed into his butterfly form."I'll stay here, so if anyone tries to attack you I can come out for a surprise attack." He explained, now on my shoulder and hidden behind my hair. 

All of love's pov:

Right now I was on this random girl's shoulder going to her to god knows where house. 'I really am an idiot' I thought, but then I remembered her eyes filled with terror. A shiver ran down my spine.'She looked scared for her life tho... I wonder what that was abou-'."We're here" my thoughts were cut short when her voice rang in my ears. I was on high alert for some reason. We were in front of the door of a two story house. It wasn't big, but it wasn't small either.

Y/N pov:

As I touched the door handle, the door was swung open."WHERE THE FUCK WERE YOU!!! YOU ARE LATE!!!" screamed my mother as I could basically see the steam coming out of her ears."I got almost raped, because of "MY" outfit." I said calmly."Don't give me that bullshit, bitch! You use that excuse every time!"Well because it happens every time" she got even redder from anger, if possible. She pulled something out of her pocket, but before I could react she stabbed me in the upper leg. It was a pocket knife.'She always does this' I thought as I was trying to hold my screams from pain back." You're going to another school, but it has uniforms there so you're lucky." she said and walked away. I could feel a poof beside me and being picked up.

All of love's pov:

As I saw the girl getting stabbed I was ready to jump at her mom and kill her.'No, that's reckless', but then it hit me. 'Why do I care so much', but I changed my attention to her wound. I could basically smell her blood. Her mom said something, but I didn't hear her. As soon as she left I transformed and picked her up."Wha-"  "I'm taking you to the Alicein Mansion, so my subclasses can heal you". She shut her mouth and waited. I teleported to the door of the mansion and knocked on the door with my foot. Mikuni opened the door, because he is the only left son of the family so he had to move back in, it took him less than a second to see the blood on her leg."Wha-" "No time to explain, I need Yully and Marry to heal her!" he nodded and went to call the twins. After he came back and we left the girl with Yully and Marry it all went silent. "Ok, can you explain what happened?". I nodded "So today I went for a walk. When I was going back I saw her on a tree. Something peaked my interest about her, so I followed her. She got attacked by some guys, but I scared them off. She was scared to go home, so I suggested to go with her and stay for a while. Her eyes widened and said it was ok. I still didn't know why she was scared until she got home. Her mom was angry and stabbed her in the leg." As I finished he immediately asked-"Why don't you call her by her name?". Then my mind went blank."I don't... know it"-he sighed and said-"Then  ask for her name plus I think you should ask her to be your eve." I raised a brow"Why?". He chuckled and said-"For the first time in forever you helped someone that isn't under 10 years old and was by your will as well. I mean it's obvious you two should be together as a servamp and eve." I thought about it and realised, it was true. "*Sigh* I'll ask her, but keep in mind she might not want to." he nodded, but he was smiling. I knew that smile, he was up to something.

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   That's it for now. Keep reading to find out what happens next 😉.  Bye~

Lust's new eve (All of love x reader)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat