Chapter 4

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I AM NOT DEAD!!! There are a lot of things I'm busy with, but now vacation is coming so I'll have more time to write. I deeply apologize for the slow updates. Hope you enjoy and on with the story~.


Y/N's pov:

    "Hey, are you ok"- you asked. "I'm fine, don't worry it's just that..."- he paused to sigh- "... my previous eve named me the same way". You were shocked, but yet you didn't know what kind of luck you just have to name him the same way as his previous eve-"Sorry, I didn't mean to upset you"- you said apologizing. 

    He smiled at you and shook his head-"It's ok, you should head to school"- you nodded. You grabbed your backpack and started going to school, but you felt something on your wrist. You didn't mind it at first but after a second or two you were yanked back. You braced your self for the impact, but... it never came. Instead, you were caught by a pair of arms- "Sorry, I forgot to tell you that there is a distance limit". He put you on your feet and transformed into a butterfly. He landed on your shoulder and said- "I'll stay here, for now, if anything happens I'll come out"- 

    I nodded in response and headed out for hell- I mean school. After a 15 minute walk, I arrived at the school gates. I had 10 min 'till class, so I went to the headmaster to get my program. As I was walking to my class someone with green hair ran past me, but a guy was chasing him. 

    "Watch out!!!"- screamed the guy that was chasing the other dude. Since I have been training for years to dodge things at a fast speed, it came natural to me to dodge in the last second. He fell on the ground from trying to stop, which gave me enough time to observe him. He had Nutella brown hair and chocolate brown eyes to match. He was rubbing his head from the impact and the guy from earlier just laugh at him from afar. 

    "Hey, are you ok?"- I asked reaching out my hand for him to take. He took it and stood up- "Thanks, anyway what's your name? Mines Shirota Mahiru."- he said with a smile. "Y/N, L/N Y/N." "Ne~, Mahiru who's that?"- the guy with green hair asked. "Y/N this is Sakuya, Sakuya this is Y/N". We shook hands and Sakuya turned to Mahiru and said- "I have to go, bye". 

    As he was leaving and  I noticed his eye color. My eyes widened when I remember where I've seen these crimson eyes, Lilly.  He had the same color of eyes as Lilly, but as far as I know, only vampires had that eye color. Suddenly I heard meowing and so did Mahiru. We turned to where the sound was coming from- "Gah, Kuro didn't I tell you to stay in the backpack!"- he whisper-shouted at the cat as he was stuffing it inside his backpack, but the cat had the same crimson eyes. I was confused and was planning to ask Lilly later about this. 

    "Ne~, Y/N-san what classes do you have"- you gave him your schedule and he chirped-"We're classmates, just follow me the first few days until you know your way around the school". I nodded and followed him to class.

*time skip to lunch*

Still your pov:

    As Mahiru opened his backpack his cat, Kuro I think, came out and the other girls started feeding him food and petting him. That reminds me that I need to give food to Lilly and ask him a few things. I went behind the school building, because there was a shadow and Lilly can transform. After I went there he came out and transformed- "What did you need me for?"- he asked a little confused. I sighed and asked- "Are Mahiru's cat and Sakuya vampires?" "Yes, Kuro is the servamp of sloth, my older brother, and Sakuya is Tsubaki's subclass, my younger brother. A subclass is a lower class vampire, that is made when a servamp gives their blood to a dying human"- he explained. "Do you have subclasses?" "Yes I do, a lot actually, but they are in the Alison mansion"- nodded, but then- "Y/N...?"- I heard Mahiru say from behind me.

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