Chapter 7

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    I wasn't so sure about dad, since he travels a lot, but there's a chance. I took my headphones and phone out of my school backpack and started listening to music. After a few songs, I noticed it was getting dark. Now for some people, it's going to be scary since it's dark and god knows what kind of people are there at night, but for me it was different. It was fall (or autumn, depends on how you know the season) so it was kind of chilly, but I liked it. I've always liked the night. It was chilly, the sky was beautiful and it's calm.

    Since I was listening to music, I didn't realize that I was already home. When I saw three steps in front of a door I knew I had reached my destination. The second I was in front of the door I was met with a punch to the stomach. I started coughing blood-"Where the hell were you, you little brat!?". It was my mom, but my father was right behind her-"How dare you go missing yesterday!? Where were you!?!". After my father said that, he grabbed me by my hair and flung me towards the wall next to him. I was hanging on the wall with him in my face. Both my parents had an angry expression.

    "You know, you'll never become a good fighter if you continue like this"- scolded my mom. I've had enough. All they wanted is me to follow their dreams, their wish for me to fight and to be nothing, but a mindless puppet that brings them money by killing people for the government. I was really angry, so I shouted-"Well that's your dream! I don't care about fighting, all I want to do is draw, but noooo. I have to follow your rules and do whatever you want me to do"- my mom took me out of dad's grasp and slapped me across the face.

    "Go get ready, he's waiting for you downstairs"-with those words my mom left with dad following behind her. Now you might be wondering who is this 'he' my mom is referring to. He's my mentor, Dave. He had black hair and a scar across his left eye. But what's even worst is that he's my uncle. And just like the others, he waned me to become an assassin as well. Though, unlike the others, he has worked in the military before. Unfortunately, he got paralyzed in the leg, so he had to quit. But after a few years after I was born, he got a fake leg.

    I went to my room and set my stuff down. Lilly transformed and was looking at me with a look that said 'you are going to rest, I don't care what you say'. I chukled and said-" Sorry Lilly, but I can't. I have some work to do before that and I still have to change, so would you be so kind and turn around". He sighed and turned around with crossed arms. Just in case I turned my back to him as well and changed into a red t-shirt and black shorts with black gloves and tied my hair in a ponytail.

 Just in case I turned my back to him as well and changed into a red t-shirt and black shorts with black gloves and tied my hair in a ponytail

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    I put my combat boots on and reached for the door handle, but then I suddenly stopped. I turned around and stared at Lilly straight in the eyes. "Lilly, I want you to stay here for now"-"But-"-"No buts, this is a command". Lilly had a pained expression on his face. I sighed and said-"I'm sorry Lilly, but there are some things best unknown for now...". I got out of my room and went into the basement. Since it was wide and had a lot of space, it was turned into a training area. I saw Dave waiting for me with a disappointed look on his face. "Hi Dave, long time no se-agh!"- I had a gash in my stomach. It was from a whip, Dave's whip. "It's 'sir' to you"- he glared at me with a bloody whip in hand.

*time skip*

    By the end of the training session, I had multiple gashes on my arms and legs. At least I had them bandaged. When I got to my room I was ready to collapse, but I had to pull it through, so I can take a shower, change the bandages and go to bed. As entered Lilly immediately jolted from the bed at the sight of my bandages on my legs and arms"What happened!?!"-he looked worried sick and for a good reason, but I put on a fake smile and said-"Nothing important, anyway I'm gonna go take a shower". Before he could say anything I ran inside the bathroom and locked myself in there. I took my clothes and bandages off, took a shower and put on new bandages. I dried my limbs and stomach to put on new bandages.

    I put on my robe and got out of the bathroom. I asked Lilly to turn around, so I can put on my pajamas. After I did so I went under the covers and wanted to fall asleep straight away, but I had to give Lilly a place to sleep. "Lilly, I should show you where the guest room is. After all, you need to sleep somewhere"- he chukled and said-"Don't worry, I don't need a bed. I'm a butterfly after all". I sighed and mumbled a 'whatever' before going to sleep.

Lilly's pov:

    After what happened downstairs I didn't want to let her go, but I had no choice, it was a command after all. Since I was going to be all alone for god knows how long, I decided to snoop around. There was nothing out of the ordinary in her room. A desk with a chair, a wardrobe, a nightstand with two drawers beside her bed and well, her bed. But what I found in the bathroom was a bit disturbing. She had a medkit. Yeah, that's normal for someone to have, but not when you have a drawer full of bandages.

    I went back to her room and sat on the edge of the bed. I was thinking about the bandages when the sudden smell of blood hit me. It came from outside the door and what happened next was not something very pleasant. I saw my eve covered in bandages and the smell of blood came from her. On impulse, I jolted up and asked-"What happened!?!". She said with a smile-"Nothing important, anyway I'm gonna go take a shower". Before I could say anything she went into the bathroom and locked herself in there. I sighed and sat back on the bed and wanted to scream. I didn't want her to get hurt, but I don't know how to stop this without showing myself. Misono were are you when I need you. He may not be physically the strongest, but he was good at planing. The only thing I can think of is bringing her to the Alicein mansion, but I don't know if Mikado will approve and her parents will be looking for her.

    After some time I heard the shower turn off and the sound of an opening door. Y/N-chan asked me to turn around so she can change and I did so. I heard her go under the covers and I turned around to face her. She had her eyes closed, but suddenly she opened them. She stood up from the bed and said-"Lilly, I should show you where the guest room is. After all, you need to sleep somewhere"- I chuckled and said-"Don't worry, I don't need a bed. I'm a butterfly after all". She mumbled a 'whatever' before going back to sleep. I chukled at that and shook my head. I took my coat and shoes off, so I was only in my pants and shirt. I laid down next to her under the covers and hugged her. Her head was on my chest and my arms were around her waist. I had a protective hold on her and could feel her breath on my chest. I blushed a little at the position we were in, but I didn't care that much. All I knew at that moment is that I wanted to protect her with my life. With that in thought, I fell asleep.


Sorry I made you wait so long T^T. I'm busy with a lot of things and don't have time to write. And sorry that the chapter was a bit short. Bye and see you next time.

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