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Core four

Veronica: archie where is jughead ?

Archie: idk Why?

Veronica: just to know, nothing special. Are you still home?

Archie: yes, in my room

Veronica: i aM sorry for forgeting you. I love you

Archie: okay, will we make plans? Talk a bit and arrange Some things between us?

Veronica: that sounds good. Breakfast ?

Archie: yes okay

Betty: jughead ??

Archie: he isn't here anymore

Veronica: when did he leave?

Betty: 😕

Archie: i think like an hour ago. What's going on?

Veronica: we, Betty needs him

Archie: Why?

Betty: he won't pick up the phone when i call.

Archie: do i need to try?

Veronica: yes please. Betty is crying her eyes out.

Archie: okay i Will call him.

Veronica: thank you archiekins

Betty: thank you

Archie: he Will be here any second , like online

Jughead: you okay Betty ?

Betty: juggie ...

Veronica: i think you need to come jughead

Jughead: i aM now waiting for Some papers and townhall but i Will come after !! What is going on betts?

Betty: i just feel anxious x

Jughead: i Will be there any minute okay? Just stay calm..
Veronica put her in bath or give her Some distraction until i aM there.

Veronica: she won't i tried, she is waiting by the door for you. She is shaking a little and crying.

Jughead: okay just talk to her sweet little nothings. I start my drive now

Archie: Veronica you can do this. You are doing good.

Veronica: thank you arch xxx

Archie: jughead pulled up at Betty her house

Veronica: ow yes they are hugging now. She is better.

Archie: Will you come over ? Like now ?

Veronica: yes good idea. Smithers Will be there in one hour.

Archie: okay x

One hour later

Jughead: thank you Veronica, she is better now, asleep.

Veronica: not a problem at all.

Archie: what was the Trigger for her ?

Jughead: i think our little "fight" and then just a moment to think without doing anything, and then she thought that i would break-up with her because off reggie and stuff. She had fear off losing us/me/...

Veronica: poor B, she is in a bad state now. Maybe we need to find her Some help?

Jughead: yeah i Will talk with her soon. maybe she can start school counselling and if that doesn't help maybe a therapist.

Archie: that is good. Nice idea.

Jughead: yeah. It Will all be right. Not okay but right like it is supposed to be.

Veronica: and did you clear the air?

Jughead: No we still have to talk about the jealousy and other things because i can't turn that feeling off. But now i just Made her a bath and i sat next to the bath ans we just talked little stupid things and watched another episode of "You."

Veronica: okay that is sweet

Archie: you're a good BF bro.

Jughead: Haha okay i aM going to leave to my trailer because Alice just came in. Bye

Jughead is offline

Veronica: see you soon( like Tomorrow for your b-day)

Archie: bye bye (sstttt)

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