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A/N(authors note): Hi! This is a Naruto fanfiction and I'm A, I'll be helping you through this hilarious, heart jerking mess. I wrote and plotted this from 12ish to 15ish, so don't be surprised if the jokes are immature and the book is strange 😆. I'm older now, and decided eh, what the heck I'll continue it and put up the chapters I never finished as well as add the ones I planned on writing and had scenes or outlines for, it's the least I can do since at one point I remember really wanting to finish writing it. Please just stick with me until the more serious chapters as she grows up, I promise I will work hard :) This book will start hitting different at some point when sh*t goes down, covering deeper topics like I meant for it to but had never gotten far enough in writing it to be able to dive into the serious pool. Now that you'll know the characters enough by then, time to get your 3dm gear FASTENED. (AOT reference 🤓)


Kicking the training dummy in front of me one last time before heading home, it drops to the ground.

I throw my arms up, "yeh-haa! Finally! I broke my record!"

In the midst of my ritualistic happy dance, I notice a presence in a tree behind me, so I stop, turn, and look upwards.

Staring down at me with his famously expressionless face is Uchiha Sasuke sitting on a thick branch. Then that aggravating smirk that always makes its way onto it shows. Like he's judging you, or calculating... it's hard to know.

I raise an eyebrow and ask, "what's up?"

I really don't understand why all the girls are so crazy 'bout him, I mean sure, he's cute, but he's an asshole to them so what's the point?

He just responds with a, "hn," then says, "you're... weird."

I grin, "oh, neat, now that's a title I'll be proud to get behind! Hey, ya'know what I just realized? You're tall, sharp, and a prick, so then that explains why you're such a cactus! That or you shave your legs... Okay forget that, I too acknowledge that that joke sucked." A small, black, cricket lands on my shoe, and sings back and forth with another one somewheres in the grass.

[A/N- There was a cricket in my irl house and I needed to include him/her]

Sasukes eyebrows furrow, I didn't know they were capable of movement but whatever, "how come you don't, you know... act like the other girls at the academy do around me?"

My eyes widen and I laugh air through my nose, "Cactus-baka, not everyone's a fangirl and thinks you're like some majestic unicorn that they need to stare at and fantasize about all day. Frig off, you're not really that cool. And there are other girls, like Hinata for instance, who doesn't look at you that way."

He stairs at me oddly for a second before he turns and jumps out of the tree mumbling a, "whatever weirdo" before leaving.

I start to walk home when I see a crouched figure hiding behind a bush a bit farther down the path and realize that it's my sister.

I quicken my pace and stealthily creep up behind her with a mischievous grin on my face.

I go right up behind her ear and yell "boo!" while grabbing her shoulders.

Ino screams while I let go of her and begin to chuckle.

"Suzie! how many times do I have to tell you to leave me alone while I'm-"
"Stalking Sasuke?" I cut her off, finishing her sentence.

"Ugh, I'm not stalking him! I'm just... going for a walk that happens to be in the same direction he's going" she nods to herself, as if trying to believe her own lie.

I nod along with her and reply sarcastically "yeah, doesn't it suck that all these pesky little bushes are in the way of the trail you take every time you happen to be going in the same direction as Sasuke? It's almost as if they're framing you for stalking him!"

She stands up and crosses her arms "why do you have to be so annoying! just leave me alone and go hang out with your weirdo friends."

"At least I have friends," I mumble under my breath in mid turning around to walk away.

"What did you say?!" she screams.

*Sigh* "oh my goshness.... I'm sorry, alright? Now can you just turn off the high pitched voice for a minute? I was just kidding around. no need to freak out so badly and probably tattle tale to mum or something like that"

"I wasn't gunna tattle tale, it's more likely that you would! And I'm not freaking out, you're the one who's freaking out!" she again yells at me.

I shake my head "of course, I'm the one who's freaking out. Gah, sibling rivalry sucks. Bye, see'ya at home. You better be back from your stalking by dinner time. Tah-tah sis," with that note I wave good bye and leave.

After taking a short cut over the roofs of houses, I slide in through my bedroom window and jump into bed and just lay there for a few seconds... I never realized how tired I was from training I think as I pull out a book on the different types of ninja tools.

"Suzie!" I hear my mum call up to my room after a few hours.

"Yeah?!" I call back down.

"Come get something to eat!"

"Food, food, food, food, food..." I say over and over to myself almost drooling just thinking about what it could be, then I slap myself in the face, stop it Sue you're getting overly excited over nothing again!

I run down the stairs and sit on the first empty chair I see.

"Ooh, pork cutlet bowls" I say mesmerized by their beauty.


Well, bye fam, u can be called my internet bros and sis'? ✌cool. Aye btw where's all my fellow middle siblings at? :D

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